按照format 指定的格式将 str 转换为 DATE 类型的值。如果转换结果不对,返回 NULL。 该函数与 str_to_date 函数功能相同,只是返回值数据类型不同。 语法 DATE str2date(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR format); 参数说明 str: 要转换的时间字符串,支持的数据类型为 VARCHAR。
str_to_date date_format unix_timestamp dayname monthname convert_tz utc_timestamp date_trunc timestamp @SilvaXiang time_slice if ifnull nullif coalesce array_distinct array_sort reverse array_slice array_concat arrays_overlap array_intersect array_slice array_sortby...
[Enhancement] Add scripting ability to BE (StarRocks#20351) Mar 31, 2023 test [BugFix] fix crash on str_to_date function (StarRocks#46146) May 24, 2024 thirdparty [Tool] Force file relative path in BE's debug symbol (StarRocks#46030) May 24, 2024 tools [Tool] Add diagnostics.sql...
The WHERE clause is used to filter the source data. You need to only specify the WHERE clause. You do not need to specify the WHERE keyword. If you configure settings for periodic scheduling for the synchronization task, you can use the system parameter variables. Example: STR_T...
Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol build on top of PyMYSQL. This allows you to receive event like insert, update, delete with their datas and raw SQL queries. 数据加解密 为了保证数据在两个内网直接传输的安全,要求需要对进行传输的数据进行加密,经过调研之后选择了 AES-GCM对称加密...
(ctx, func); func = get_aggregate_function("any_value", TYPE_DATETIME, TYPE_DATETIME, false); test_non_deterministic_agg_function<TimestampValue, TimestampValue>(ctx, func); func = get_aggregate_function("any_value", TYPE_DATE, TYPE_DATE, false); test_non_deterministic_agg_function<...
目前需要将阿里云RDS数据库的数据同步到自建的StarRocks集群。之前使用DolphinScheduler通过定时调度Datax任务,将数据同步到StarRocks集群中,但是随着业务的发展,这种方式出现了两个问题: 1.为了满足系统三级等保的要求,阿里云RDS不再支持通过公网进行访问,只能在阿里云内网中进行访问。
https://forum.mirrorship.cn/t/topic/1202 当str_to_date函数与data_format函数结合使用时,str_to_date函数无法正确的将字符串转换为date。 ![image|612x500](upload://5fOAUg0J2UKGJ6FIjqIYd5EiWYq.png) zh-CN Tue, 21 Dec 2021 12:23:21 +0000 功能使用相关 ...
Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol build on top of PyMYSQL. This allows you to receive event like insert, update, delete with their datas and raw SQL queries. 数据加解密 为了保证数据在两个内网直接传输的安全,要求需要对进行传输的数据进行加密,经过调研之后选择了 AES-GCM对称加密...