问题6:StarRocks中get database read lock timeout问题导致FE节点卡顿 此问题是过往中使用StarRocks遇到的最大问题,直接会导致导致整个集群处于假死状态,FE所有节点卡住数分钟,重启FE节点后恢复或是等待卡顿结束后自行恢复。StarRocks社区技术专家在论坛中指出这是历史遗留问题,问了保证元数据的一致性,stream load...
{"Status":"Fail","BeginTxnTimeMs":1,"Message":"too many filtered rows","NumberUnselectedRows":0,"CommitAndPublishTimeMs":0,"Label":"4682d766-0e53-4fce-b111-56a8d8bef390","LoadBytes":69238389,"StreamLoadPutTimeMs":4,"NumberTotalRows":7077604,"WriteDataTimeMs":4350,"TxnId":33,"...
manager to achieve centralized management for metadata locks in FE. For example, it can refine the granularity of metadata lock from the database level to the table level, which improves load and query concurrency. In a scenario of 100 concurrent load jobs, the load time can be reduced by ...
StarRocks can perform real-time analytics well while updating historical records. It can also enhance real-time analytics with historical data from data lakes easily. With StarRocks, you can get rid of the de-normalized tables and get the best performance and flexibility....
The error "get_applied_rowsets failed, tablet updates is in error state: tablet:18849 actual row size changed after compaction" is returned for queries.#33246 Runningshow proc '/statistic'may cause a deadlock.#34237 The FE performance plunges after the FE configuration itemenable_collect_query...
locker.unLockDatabase(db, LockType.WRITE); } } public void replayAlterMaterializedViewStatus(AlterMaterializedViewStatusLog log) { long dbId = log.getDbId(); long tableId = log.getTableId(); Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(dbId); MaterializedView mv = (MaterializedView...
following https://iceberg.apache.org/spark-quickstart/ and #23427 docker-compose.yml atwong@Albert-CelerData apacheiceberg % cat docker-compose.yml version: "3" services: starrocks: image: registry.starrocks.io/starrocks/allin1-ubuntu:la...
return (currentTimeMs - job.getFinishTimestamp()) / 1000 > Config.label_keep_max_second; } public void cleanResidualJob() { // clean residual insert job public void cancelResidualJob() { // cancel residual insert job readLock(); List<LoadJob> insertJobs; try { @@ -400,13 +407,13...