🪟 Intelligent materialized view:The materialized view of StarRocks can be automatically updated during the data import and automatically selected when the query is executed. ✨ Querying data in data lakes directly: StarRocks allows direct access to data from Apache Hive™, Apache Iceberg™, ...
相对于明细模型,更新模型简化了数据导入流程,能够更好地支撑实时和频繁更新的场景。更新模型可以视为聚合模型的特殊情况,指标列指定的聚合函数为 REPLACE,返回具有相同主键的一组数据中的最新数据。数据分批次多次导入至更新模型,每一批次数据分配一个版本号,因此同一主键的数据可能有多个版本,查询时返回版本最新(即版本...
创建物化视图 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW AS SELECT ,如果 SELECT 查询中未使用聚合函数,使用 GROUP BY,例如 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW test_view AS select a,b from test group by b,a order by a; ,则 BE 节点全部崩溃。#13743 执行INSERT INTO 高频导入至主键模型的表,进行数据变更后,立即重启 BE,重启缓...
(5, false) starrocksSparkDF.createOrReplaceTempView("view_tb1") val resDf = spark.sql( """ |select uid, date, hour, minute, site |from view_tb1 |lateral view explode(split(uid_list_str,',')) temp_tbl as uid |""".stripMargin) resDf.show(5, false) // IDEA/REPL local ...
INSERT OVERWRITE now supports a new semantic - Dynamic Overwrite. When this semantic is enabled, the ingested data will either create new partitions or overwrite existing partitions that correspond to the new data records. Partitions not involved will not be truncated or deleted. This semantic is ...
当Apache Hive™ 的数据存储采用 Parquet、ORC、CSV 格式时,支持 Hive 表执行 ADD COLUMN、REPLACE COLUMN 等表结构变更(Schema Change)。相关文档,请参见 Hive 外部表。 支持Hive 资源修改 hive.metastore.uris。相关文档,请参见 ALTER RESOURCE。 优化Apache Iceberg 外表功能,创建 Iceberg 资源时支持使用自定义...
Create a new partition table and store the new data in a new table according to business changes Uninstall and delete the original partition Mount the partitions in the new table into the target table Swapping partitions to achieve large-scale data changes is a heavy operation and is suitable ...
The request sent by Service2 to Service3 and Service4 will each create a Client Span, use X as the Trace ID, randomly generate a globally unique SpanID (D and G in the figure), record Timestamp and other information, and Service2 will record the Trace ID ( X) and SpanID (D or ...
OpenERP. If a record matches, it shows the name of the related Partner and proposes to open it, or open its related sale orders or invoices. If no record matches, it proposes to create a new contact with the presented phone number as 'Phone' or 'Mobile' number or update an existing ...
-- create materialized views create materialized view groupk1 as select k1, sum(cast(v1 as double)) from demo_spark_load_tbl group by k1 order by k1; this will cause a null point error in be crash cProgram terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #0 0x0000000003ab9a36 in dor...