Common Starling the Latest Bird in Flight from Our FieldsByline: By Steve Dube Western MailWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
“Such ethereal visions arise from the interplay of bird and sky, a conjuring of the mind and its longing for familiar forms. It highlights the power of human imagination and our capacity to find beauty and significance in the mesmerizing patterns created by these birds,” Solkær explains. ...
Widespread and abundant in much of North America, the introduced European starling is arguably and problematically the most successful bird on the continent. Often characterized as bold, this bird is actually fairly wary and can be difficult to approach. Polytypic. Length 8.7". Identification ...
common starling,Sturnus vulgaris- gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide Pastor roseus,Pastor sturnus,rose-colored pastor,rose-colored starling- glossy black bird with pink back and abdomen; chiefly Asian ...
MOLT STRATEGIES AND AGE DIFFERENCES IN MIGRATION TIMING AMONG AUTUMN LANDBIRD MIGRANTS IN SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO Conversely, in species in which adults molt flight feathers on or near the breeding grounds before departing on fall migration, hatch-year birds migrated ... JD Carlisle,GS Kaltenecker,DL Sw...
ロングマン現代英英辞典よりstar‧ling/ˈstɑːlɪŋ$ˈstɑːr-/noun[countable]acommonbird withshinyblackfeathersthat lives especially in citiesコーパスの例starling•This has beendemonstratedbyexperimentswithcaptivestarlings, using thetechniqueofdisplacingthe sun's image withmirrors.•Rapi...
The effect of sward height and drainage on Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris and Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus foraging in grassland habitats Agricultural change is often cited as a causal factor in the decline of the UK's farmland birds because bird declines have mirrored changes in agricultura...
Spotless Starlings is a passerine bird in the starling family Sturnidae. It is closely related to the ubiquitous European Starling,
Our approach has been successfully used for scoring sleep in other bird studies [17, 41, 42]. Nonetheless, we cannot fully exclude that some of the REM episodes in the starlings may have been microarousals without head movements. However, if that were the case, this would mean that we ...
Synanthropic bird species in human, poultry or livestock environments can increase the spread of pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria between wild and domestic animals. We present the first telemetry-based spatial networks for a small songbird. We quantified landscape connectivity exerted by spotles...