Starline Brass sells America's finest handgun, rifle and pistol brass cases for reloading ammunition. Factory direct value plus highest quality - shipped to your door.
Starline Brass sells America's finest handgun, rifle and pistol brass cases for reloading ammunition. Factory direct value plus highest quality - shipped to your door.
Welcome to Starline’s Digital Pressroom. We hope you find the information and resources here helpful. If there’s anything else you need, please contact Starline Brass at web@starlinebrass.comWHAT’S NEW New Calibers New Calibers What’s on Deck Press Releases Starline Brass Now Offering ...
Welcome to Starline - A Great Shot, Starline is a family owned business that prides itself on producing the highest quality brass case available.
Category:NEW BRASS CASES - STARLINE Quick Find:732 Views:16734 Printable Version Ask a questionabout this product Tags power cartridgeonce fired brassammunitionlong range targettarget shooting6.5 creedmoorcreedmor6.5 starline brassstarline brass6.5 creedmoor starline6.5mm cm6.5mm6.5mm creedmoorsmall rifle ...
The article reports on the completion of the expansion of the headquarters of Starline, a manufacturer of brass cases located in Sedalia, Missouri. The decision to increase the headquarter space to 20,000 square feet was prompted by several factors, including a growth in market share and the ...
SEDALIA, MO –Starline Brass has added another caliber, the 300 HAM’R® to the growing lineup of high-quality brass. Starline’s 300 HAM’R® brass is produced with the same demanding quality control standards for which it has been produced for the original cartridge developer, Wilson ...
Please use this form to request additional information about Starline Brass, give us feedback about your use of our product or request that we research the feasibility of manufacturing a unique case. Please note that due to the volume of new cartridge requests we receive, not all new product ...
The Starline Brass storyline, however, is anything but average. Starline has found success by looking at things a little differently. In one daring move, they turned the other direction, taking their six-shooters and moving their operations over 1,600 miles east in the process of becoming the...
Starline Brass donated the bacon to the local Boy Scout Troop that assists with the Cowboy Mounted Shooting event each year at the State Fair.The funds raised from the auction and breakfast will the support Missouri State Foundation for projects, including youth in agriculture scholarships...