FREDERIKSEN, MATTEGAN WEAVER, EMILYJournal of Health Care Compliance
The federal Stark Law, governing physician self-referral, provides a mechanism for voluntary disclosing a violation, but using that option requires a carefully crafted game plan.Kip Klingman
definition of areferralunder Stark, the technical component or facility fee billed by the hospital was a designated health service resulting from the physician's referral. Further, after reviewing the regulatory history, the court noted that under Stark, a physician's compensation may not take into...
The article examines the rationale behind the creation of the U.S. Stark Self-Referral Law concerning the acts intended to induce or reward the referral of a patient for the delivery of an item or service reimbursable under a federal health care financing program. The provision that physicians ...
CMS proposed to define a referral by an NPP to include a request by an NPP that includes the provision of designated health services (DHS) payable under Medicare, establishment of a plan of care by the NPP that includes the provision of DHS, or the certifying or recertifying the need for...
"Stark" reality: self-referral rule holds risk and opportunity On January 4, 2001, the Health Care Financing Administration (now the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or ) issued Phase I of the final Stark II regulations (Final Rule). The Final Rule implements the Ethics in Patient ...
On Friday, November 20, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released a final rule containing what CMS calls the most significant alterations to the Physician Self-Referral Law (or “Stark Law”) since it was passed in 1989. This final rule is intended to re...
On January 19, 2021, a sweeping set of changes to the federal physician self-referral law (or “Stark Law”) and anti-kickback statute (“AKS”) regulations go into effect. These changes, which are part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) “Regulatory ...
MEDICARE PROVIDERS TAKE NOTE: CMS Streamlines the Stark Law Voluntary Self- Referral Disclosure Protocol, Updates the DHS Code List and Provides Clarification on Providers’ Ability to Cure Noncompliance by:Nicholas F. Alarif,Caroline Reignley,Chelsea M. Rutherford,Adetoro T. OlugbemiofMcDermott Will...
A Look Back at the Origin of the Stark Self-Referral LawKusserow, Richard P.Yampolsky, Harvey A.Journal of Health Care Compliance