The Ultimate Guide to Treating and Preventing Ankle Sprains Ankle sprains are the most common acute injury that strikes runners. This one-time traumatic injury [...] 24 Oct How to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis – one of the most common foot injuries Running is high...
As I was bent over the sink, splashing my face with water, a soft paw reached out from behind the toilet and touched my ankle, making me shriek and jump, spraying water everywhere. I don’t know why. It was Fevronia, my tan long-haired rescue cat, whom I’d brought with me for t...
Congratulations to the five winners last night who split the prize money at Unique Club's "Ray Sprankle Memorial Reverse Raffle". They were: AR, Luckino Foot & Ankle, Bill's Books & More, Little Learners and Suzanna Ginella. Thanks Mark and Adam Mahon, Ray Sprankle and their spouses who...