星际之门计划(英文:The Stargate Project)是美国一家人工智能 (AI) 合资企业,由OpenAI、软银、甲骨文和投资公司 MGX 联合创立。[1]该合资公司计划到2029年在美国的人工智能基础设施上投资高达5000 亿美元。这一计划于2022年启动,并在2025年1月21日由美国总统唐纳德·川普正式宣布。[2]该公司在美国特拉华州注册成立...
Season 10:01."Flesh and Blood"•02."Morpheus"•03."The Pegasus Project"•04."Insiders"•05."Uninvited"•06."200"•07."Counterstrike"•08."Memento Mori"•09."Company of Thieves"•10."The Quest", Part 1(1 of 2) •11."The Quest", Part 2(2 of 2) •12."Line ...
He needed SG-1's help to sever the wormhole that was blocking the Supergate from functioning (10.03 "The Pegasus Project"), but because he was a Prior, the team didn't trust him and decided to go on the mission in his stead. Daniel stole the Odyssey because he felt that he was ...
Links and navigation Stargate Wiki has a collection of images related toStargate. StargateinKathleen Ritter'sLexicon. GateWorld's article onStargateinThe Stargate Omnipedia StargateonWikipedia v•e Ancient v•e Stargates
Links and navigation Stargate Wiki has a collection of images related toStargate. StargateinKathleen Ritter'sLexicon. GateWorld's article onStargateinThe Stargate Omnipedia StargateonWikipedia v•e Ancient v•e Stargates
English and other scholars from the US, UK, and Australia discuss how childrenAEs television constructs women in STEM, including in Project Mc2, Annedroids, SciGirls, and the animated series Steven Universe and Adventure Time; women in science and technology in Arrow, Bones, Criminal Minds, and...
No other known race is known to have harnessed Zero Point Energy without using ZPMs or ZPM-based technologies (as in the case of the Project Arcturus, or the later project developed by Dr. McKay and his sister). The devices are also one of the few known technologies that can power ...
Stargate Universe (a Titles & Air Dates Guide)Last updated: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 -2:00 A group of scientists, soldiers and civilians from the Stargate project are trapped on a runaway spacecraft far from Earth.Show Details: Start date: Oct 2009 End date: May 2011 Status: cancelled/ended ...
SWGSecurity Working Group(Pentagon Renovation Project) SWGStandardization Working Group(various organizations) SWGSleeping With Ghosts(Placebo album) SWGSweet Wholesome Gal(Ryan Higa song) SWGStar Wars Geek SWGScreen Writers Guild SWGStrategic War Game ...
Tau'ri outposts This page uses content fromWikipedia. The original article was atStargate Command. The list of authors can be seen in thepage history. As withSGCommand, the text of Wikipedia is available under theGNU Free Documentation License....