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The battle for resource areas,the invasion of the robbers,and the attacks of other players all require your military ability to command troops to cope with different battles.If you feel lonely in battle, build an alliance with your friends!Good cooperation can benefit everyone.Features:The ...
guest Free plan | Upgrade account_circle My profile My mods My collections image My media account_balance_wallet My wallet Tracking centre history Download history Give Feedback settings Account settings tune Site preferences exit_to_app Sign out All games Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion ...
Virtual captains again venture out to the vast reaches of Federation space through this next episode in the Starfleet Command series. Though billed as an expansion pack, this is a stand-alone release that does not require any of the original games to play. In Star Trek: Starfleet Command - ...
Browse Starfleet Command II & III Modding Tools for Star Trek: Starfleet Command 3 files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media.
Updated 2020 Starfleet Command API programming C++ tools for mission scripting. Requires user to have Windows XP/virtual box. For use with modding SFC2... MirrorrorriM V 3.0 Sep 7 2019Singleplayer Map Version Archived. Refer to our main download page for active mods. ...
). When beginning a campaign, you have a certain number of prestige points, a green crew and a small frigate under your command. Prestige points are basically the currency of SFC. With these points, you repair, upgrade, and trade in your ship for a new on. You also upgrade your crew ...
Star Trek: Starfleet Command is the tactical, ship-to-ship combat simulator set in the world of Star Trek. It is based on the tabletop game Star Fleet Battles and it follows its rules almost to the letter. The player can choose to play a career that...
Getting into Starfleet involves passing a knowledge exam, and also demonstrating your space combat and command skills. It is this side of the Academy which features in this game. You play aspiring captain David Forester, backed by a wealthy and...
71 Mods Uploaded Mod Statistics 988 Downloads Uploaded 20 years ago Star Trek: Starfleet Command III 1.88 MB in size Description Patch for version of Orion Pirates to There are no comments yet. Be the first! Please sign in to participate in this discussion.Interact...