Starfish Prime was a high-altitudenuclear testconducted on July 9, 1962 as part of a group of tests collectively known as Operation Fishbowl. While Starfish Prime was not the first high-altitude test, it was the largest nuclear test ever conducted by the United States in space. The test led...
P.J. Edwards, J.S. Reid, Effects of nuclear explosion starfish prime observed at Hobart, Tasmania, July 9, 1962. J. Geophys. Res. 69(17), 3607-3612 (1964). doi:10.1029/JZ069i017p03607P.J. Edwards, J.S. Reid, Effects of nuclear explosion starfish prime observed at hobart, ...
high-altitude nuclear bomb (called Starfish Prime) had energized the Earth's Van Allen Belt where Telstar 1 went into orbit. 就在Telstar1被发射前一天美国测试了一枚高空核炸弹(海星一号),这枚炸弹电离了地球的范艾伦辐射带,而Telstar1的轨道正好处于这个高度上。 WikiMatrix It is one of the ...