Where to find Silver inStarfield Head to Kreet to find Silver. Screenshot by Dot Esports Despite searching planet after planet, there really was no need to. You’ll be able to find plenty of Silver on theplanet Kreet. For those either too far or too new into the story, Kreet isone of...
This is an article about Update 4 for the game Starfield which contains a new Starfield 60 fps mode. It also teases future content
Starfield has this one-second delay for every action in-game. Be it navigating the menus, and closing them, you’ll find a jarring delay that annoys me to no end. While we fixed the main-menu delays through a mod previously mentioned in this list, we’ll fix the delay of grabbing ite...
Screenshot by Dot Esports You can also craft Zero Wire at any Industrial Workbench, but for that, you’ll need resources like Copper (Cu) andSilver(Ag). Interact with an Industrial Workbench to open the crafting menu, scroll down to see all the craftable items, and select Zero Wire. Chec...
To find your Armor’s Ref ID, click on it after opening the console command. It is listed as ARMO there. Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Apparel Item IDs The normal clothes you wear are called Apparel. They provide small bonuses, like effects and stats, which are separate from your other clothin...
bySilverEzredesmakes it so that thehealth bar color can changeat each major milestone, that being75%, 50%, and 25%, with a couple of color scheme options for accessibility. This is for anyone who has a hard time managing their health and wants to know at a glance where their health ...
During this One Small Step objective, you need to find a strange object inside the small cave. Finding that is not a difficult task as there will be one big object inside the cave. The object will be covered in liquid Gallium and have a silver appearance from the outside. Use the same...
When Do You Have to Choose Between UC SysDef and the Crimson Fleet? You can complete the quest line where you largely infiltrate the Crimson Fleet while appeasing SysDef and feeding them evidence, but the true choice occurs in the “Eye of the Storm” mission. You must choose to fl...
You can find more Starfield console commands yourself by using the help command, which is also used to find ID codes needed for some commands. Below, you'll find some Starfield console commands which require a little elaboration, as well as a ton of useful IDs for items, skills, and more...
Gwangmyeongdonggul Cave is the largest themed cave park with varied cultural and artistic things, created in a gold mine where gold, silver, and bronze were mined. Visitors can experience wine at Wine Cave, as well as Cave Aqua World, Gold Falls, Gold Road, Gold Palace, Horror Experience,...