Weapon Engineering (Science) Determines what Weaponry projects you can complete. Like Spacesuit Design, it's only four points deep in the Science tree—for the impact it'll have on combat, that makes it well worth taking. Research Methods (Science) While this skill doesn't gate any of you...
Targeted Commands additem (Item ID) (Value)Adds Items - Specified items will be added to your character. (Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID)Attach Weapon Mods - Specified weapon mods will be applied to your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Con...
Example command: FF01E117.amod 000FF442 (reference weapon ID).amod (modification ID) - add mod (reference weapon ID).rmod (modification ID) - remove mod 3E612F Balanced Boostpack .amod 3AD4D9 Ballistic Shielding .amod 3E6131 Basic Boostpack .amod 3AD4DA EM Shielding .amo...
Console Command Keybind: Presstilde[~ / `] to open the console. Type in the command, then pressenter. A message will appear if you’ve correctly input a code. For more information, check out ourconsole commands tutorial. How To Get Item IDs: The codeplayer.additemrequiresItem IDst...
Starfield gives you access to over 250+ console commands and cheat codes to try and bend the rules in whichever direction you like. Some of them are fun and make up for a good, while others are more focused on the enthusiasts who like to dig deeper into how things work behind the scene...
By default, many Starfield console commands will disable achievements, and your saves will be put into a special modded save profile. However, if you want to enable achievements to use alongside cheats, the easiest way to do it is by downloading and installing theAchievement Enablermod. For mor...
Weapon Modifiers These IDs are for all player-accesible Weapon Modifiers in Starfield. The command syntax is: <REFERENCE ID>.amod <ID> While the latter <ID> is selected from the table below, the <REFERENCE ID> must be determined in-game. Begin by dropping the weapon you wish to mod, ...
Pretty much every item you find in Starfield has a specific Item ID tied to it. That makes it easier to identify them while writing console commands and cheat codes. You can use the item ID in tandem with a command and do tons of exciting stuff. For example, you can pick a weapon an...
Interaction commands additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds Items – Adds the item of the code you input to your inventory (item codes listed below). (Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attach Weapon Mods – Same as the item command, only will attach the selected mod to your gun. (Ref ID).rmod (...
Adding weapon mods (Image credit: Bethesda) To manually mod a weapon, first drop it on the ground, then open the console and click on the weapon to get its reference ID. You might have to crouch down and click around a bit to find get it to work. Use the command [weapon reference ...