00037341 EncShip_StarbornGuardian01_Template_AutopilotAI 飞行员 000383A6 UC04_NAT_ThralledCitizenF02 平民 00038811 SE_SD09_DerelictShip_New_Custom_AutopilotAI 飞行员 0003907A EncChildFaceF05 孩子 0003907B EncChildFaceF06 孩子 0003907C EncChildFaceM05 孩子 0003907D EncChildFaceM06 孩子 0003B30...
Starborn Guardian III 37360 Starborn Guardian IV 363CA5 Starborn Guardian V 363CA7 Starborn Guardian VI 363CA9 Starhawk 3A2E35 Starhawk II 3A2E33 Starhawk III 3A2E2F Stormrider II 3A2E03 Stormrider III 3A2E01 Sunsail 3A2E1D Sunsail II 3A2E1B Thresher 3A2E77 Thresher II 3A2E75 Transpo...
Starborn Guardian Starting theNG+ modein Starfield will grant you the Starborn Guardian ship for free. The ship is not customizable but can be upgraded by completing an NG+ playthrough. The maximum one is the sixth variant which is indisputably one of the best ships the game has to offer. T...
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