SpawnDupe - Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref StartCombat - Forces selected actor to start fighting. StopFighting - Stops all combat. FastTravel (ft) - Player Fast Travel to marker. enable - Restores selection back to world (useful for environments, items, etc) remove - R...
Starfield Star Eagle Ship Console Command ID If you don’t feel like going through a lengthy quest, you can cheat through the game and spawn the Eagle Star ship via console command. This is only possible on the PC, so Xbox players will still have to go through the process the hard way...
To use the Starfield command or cheats on Xbox, you will need a PC that can run the game. Without a PC, you cannot try this method. If you have got both of these things, then let’s proceed further. As we know Starfield allows you to cross-save your game files across multiple plat...
and obviously it's not the ideal solution. But until the command console is added to Xbox (if it ever will be), this is the only option for Xbox users.
Spawn 10,000 milk cartons, why not? 🤷 CommandEffect PlaceAtMe 0019121F 10000 Spawns 10,000 milk cartons at your location To test your PC's physics processing chops—such as by dropping 10,000 milk cartons on a skyscraper—use the PlaceAtMe [item ID] [#] command, which will place the...
3 Ship Parts 0003FB19 Aid, Food, And Drink Items These IDs are for all player-accesible Aid, Food, and Drink Items in Starfield. The command syntax to spawn an item is: player.placeatme <ID> <QUANTITY> As an example, to spawn a single Emergency Kit, the command is: player.placeatme...
Starfield has lots of cheats available to players. These cheats range from simple codes that spawn items to cheats that make you a god. All are fun and useful in their own ways, as long as you’re careful with how many you activate and where you activate them....
I also haven't been able to create a new record (not one that just overrides one in Starfield.esm) and have that show up in game, and none of the records added by OldMars.esm or Constellation.esm seem to be inventory items (which are easy to spawn in using player.additem), so I...
player.placeatme (Item ID) (Value)Spawn Item/Creature at You – The specified item or creature will be spawned directly in front of your character. player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID)Pay Off Bounties – Remain out of jail, keep all stolen items, and pay off any outstanding Bounties for...
be used to inputcheatsand othercodesthat can change literally every aspect of the game. You can change the size of characters, spawn items or kill enemies with a single command. There arehundreds of commands, but if you want to alter your FOV, there’s only one command you need to know...