While the Starborn Guardian ship is far from perfect, its biggest downside is the fact you can’t acquire it until after you’ve “beaten” the game. If you really want to get the most out of this ship, you’ll beat the campaign as quickly as possible, start a New Game+ run, and ...
Immersive Landing Rampsmakes it so ship landing ramps remain closed when you land somewhere new. In the vanilla game, the ramp is always open. So now, the landing ramp is closed by default and can be opened, and closed, from a panel in the landing bay. There’s also a remote that ca...
on the ship and extend them towards the sides of the ship and then be able to attach, maybe a landing gear or maybe a weapon, at the moment i have to use the Hope brace to achieve this but this adds more weight and it just doesn't look as clean. I hope I'm making some sense...
on the ship and extend them towards the sides of the ship and then be able to attach, maybe a landing gear or maybe a weapon, at the moment i have to use the Hope brace to achieve this but this adds more weight and it just doesn't look as clean. I hope I'm making some sense...
In addition to ships you can buy or steal, you can also just build your own creation and if you have maxed out the Ship Design skill, that's going to be the best way to get a ship with max stats across the board. It's also important to note that to pilot the higher class ships...
While ground-based combat definitely benefits from aiming with a mouse I found it a lot tougher to rein in the various control schemes while in a ship. You’ll control your thrusters with the left stick and aim with the right. Up is up and down is down, which took a little getting ...
player.modav carryweight [###]Set Carry Weight. Make sure to replace [###] with a carry weight higher than your current maximum. player.setav health [###]Set Health. Sets your HP count — replace [###] with a number higher than your current max to increase. ...
Ship storage access is very hidden. Gravity can be inconsistent between planet overworlds and caves. The credits can crash your game, though this has also supposedly been fixed. NPCs’ hitboxes for talking to you are inconsistent and sometimes very large, resulting in too many people speaking ...
Players start with a maximum capacity of 135 kilograms at the beginning ofStarfield. Each level of the Weight Training skill drastically increases the amount of weight you can carry, both in space and on the ground. You can see each level, below: ...
player.setav carryweight [#] Sets your maximum carry weight to specified amount. player.setpos x [#] Moves the player character on the x axis. Eg, player.setpos x 10 on your ship will put you in space. showlooksmenu player 1 Opens the full character creator. showlooksmenu player 2 Open...