Luxurious Ship Habs-奢华船舱模组(原版素材),主要美观度高,其中泳池较不错(但水质遵从所在星球水体,可能有毒)Ancient Mariner Extended-官方cc古代水手舱的拓展mod,以其材质制作了一整套舱室,另有哨站家具可造(包括一个黄金浴缸)。需拥有古代水手舱cc。 9楼2024-10-26 12:48 回复 ...
一方面,这个项目确实带来了一些高质量的收费模组,比如Kinggath(辐射4模拟聚落系列mod的作者)为老滚5制作的东帝国公司扩展、诗人学院扩展和前不久发布的他们的第一个星空Mod:迈凯伦(或者麦克兰?我不太清楚这个名字在时尚界是不是有什么含义)服装设计,以及Quarter Onion Games团队制作的StarSims。 但不可否认的是,比起...
一方面,这个项目确实带来了一些高质量的收费模组,比如Kinggath(辐射4模拟聚落系列mod的作者)为老滚5制作的东帝国公司扩展、诗人学院扩展和前不久发布的他们的第一个星空Mod:迈凯伦(或者麦克兰?我不太清楚这个名字在时尚界是不是有什么含义)服装设计,以及Quarter Onion Games团队制作的StarSims。 但不可否认的是,比起...
What are the parts in between the fuel tanks on the rear of the engine wings?Any chance you could take another picture showing the parts expanded within ship builder so we can all see what we're looking at?I think I'm about 90% of the way there, but there are a few that aren't...
This mod adds Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 starfighter from Star Wars original trilogy. A singularly unique, single-pilot ship. Life size and all modular.
The Kepler R has the biggest fuel and cargo capacity among all the ships on this list. Being a high-class ship, you can expect bigger grav jumps, better weapon systems, and overall exploration. FYI Class C ships are powerhouses and require a level 4 piloting skill. ...
LandingGear-Count-Mod.dll ModularPeopleSystem.dll v3.2.0 NativeAnimationFrameworkSF.dll v1.0.8 Reactor-Count-Mod.dll RealTimeFormPatcher.dll v1.0.0 sfee.dll v1.0.0.12 SFPluginsTxtEnabler.dll sfse_1_12_32.dll v0.0.2.9 ShipBuilderNofifyMeAboutWarnings.dll v1.9.0 ShipFuelData...
Just look up the weapon modifier ids i think the ign site has some but it's not complete. Pick 3 that you like, go in game and drop a weapon and make sure you're outside of the ship when you do this. Once the weapon is on the ground open the console and click on the weapon...
forceav SpaceshipGravJumpDistancePerFuel 5 飞船重量 forceav SpaceshipPartMass 500 打开飞船货仓的距离 默认250 SetGS fMaxShipTransferDistance 5000 星空武器、护甲传奇控制台代码 附魔方法:武器先扔在地上,开控制台点击武器,显示WEAP“(武器代码)即成功,然后amod+空格+附魔词条. ...