Though Players are still digging thorough the game and finding more console commands, the list is incredibly impressive as it is thus far. There is a huge amount you can already do and tweak with these console commands.RelationshipHuman136 on Reddithas done an amazing job of collating all the...
Remember to enter both of these commands back-to-back before closing your command console with ~ or you'll be freefalling through the stars. There isn't much to do outside your space ship—you don't collide with asteroids or anything else—but it's neat to get out there for some ...
This is an article about Update 4 for the game Starfield which contains a new Starfield 60 fps mode. It also teases future content
Use the command “player.sexchange” To revert back to your original character, you can use this console command twice, according to acomment on the Reddit post. Once you’re done, you should be able to start shooting again. How to fix theasteroid rocks getting stuck on ship bug inStarf...
To set the Quality Level of any Item Drop the item to mod on the Ground (Not in your ship as it is almost impossible to correctly select it in Command mode) open Command Prompt and Click on the Item so it shows it's ID (Ex ARMO XXXXXXXX) then type "amod 3AF7D" no quotes for...
Use the command “player.sexchange” To revert back to your original character, you can use this console command twice, according to acomment on the Reddit post. Once you’re done, you should be able to start shooting again. How to fix theasteroid rocks getting stuck on ship bug inStarf...