(PASS 2: Player entered Radcliff's restricted area.) 340 (Player heard the 'drunk evening' planter. Add a new objective.) 340 喔喔,这位大使似乎曾密谋除掉星联总督理事会的一名成员。这情报应该有助于我说服她协助我们。我得去质问她。 () 345 (The player confronted Radcliff with what they ...
Furniture placed in the decorator may not function inside of a restricted area, giving an error message. This is due to custom furniture using the navmesh layer to find out if it is obstructed. Furniture that comes with a hab will work fine. Ladders placed by the ladder version of the re...
Starfieldgets a 'Restricted' rating in Australia Starfieldhasreceived a 'Restricted' rating by Australia's Classification Board, namely due to the drug-use depicted in the game. Its violence is also considered 'High Impact,' while nudity and sex are very mild. The use of drugs seems to be ...
Loading a save will now remove the space clingon. Please note: This fix should address any space matter being stuck in your travels, but not in instances where player ships have New Atlantis attached. A fix for that will be released in a later update. Outpost Fixed an issue that ...