Type in the command, then pressenter. A message will appear if you’ve correctly input a code. For more information, check out ourconsole commands tutorial. How To Get Item IDs: The codeplayer.additemrequiresItem IDsto function. To get Item IDs for any item you want, use the Cons...
player.addperk 002C59E0 Outpost Engineering player.addperk 002C2C5A Aneutronic Fusion player.addperk 0027CBC2 Planetary Habitation player.addperk 0004CE2D Special Projects Tech Skills player.addperk 002CE2C2 Ballistic Weapon Systems player.addperk 00146C2C Boost Pack Training player.addperk ...
Outpost Engineering (Science tier 3) Proper construction of habitation modules is essential to one’s survival on any alien world! Rank 1 – You can construct improved outpost modules, and research additional modules at a Research Lab (unlocked by building 5 different outpost modules) Rank 2 –...
Outpost Engineering 002C59E0 player.addperk 002C59E0 Aneutronic Fusion 002C2C5A player.addperk 002C2C5A Planetary Habitation 0027CBC2 player.addperk 0027CBC2 Special Projects 0004CE2D player.addperk 0004CE2D Tech skill IDs SkillIDCommand Ballistic Weapon Systems 002CE2C2 player.addperk 002CE2C2...
Use this cheat code to spawn them:player.placeatme (Boost Pack ID) 1 FYI To be able to use the Boost Pack, you need to unlock the skill Boost Pack Training under the Tech Skill Tree. Legendary Base Armor Modifier Item IDs Armor Modifiers do the same thing for Armor as Weapon Modifiers...
This is an article about Update 4 for the game Starfield which contains a new Starfield 60 fps mode. It also teases future content
The mod removes all of the challenges required to rank up a skill. This means from the get go you can allocate your points wherever you want. Some people like the challenges, others may not have time to grind. If you’re the latter, you would enjoy this mod. ...
Each manufacturer makes a lot of different hab types: mess halls, control centers, engineering rooms, med bays, crew quarters, captain’s quarters, etc. The roomtones for each of the habs have two layers of audio. The first layer represents the manufacturer and is consistent across all the ...