Click on the NPC to see the reference ID Enter any of these codes into the console while Ref ID is up Go into ship builder and you should have the items Basic: addkeyword 1453aa addkeyword 1453b4 Corpo: addkeyword 271d1 addkeyword 1453c1 addkeyword 271d6 addkeyword 271c7 add...
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Remove Attached Weapon Mod – Removes specified weapon mod. killall Kill All NPCs – Every NPC in your current area will be killed. kah Kill All Hostiles – Every currently hostile enemy in the area will be killed. resurrect Resurrect NPC – Select a dead NPC...
Once you have access to the console, you can enter any command you like in Starfield. It is as simple as that, but you will obviously need to know the right command or cheat to enter. Item ID There are going to be a lot of commands that are going to require an Item ID. They are...
forcedbleedoutForce an actor to enter bleedout. forceconditionformtrueForce a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1. forceconditionformfalseForce a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1. landonplanetbiomeLand on a planet's biome...
The only way to activate cheat codes in this captivating RPG game is by using the console commands. Knowing how to apply them helps players increase their skill points, activate god mode, walk through walls, and spawn all items in the game. The possibilities are infinite. If you’re a fan...
tcai Toggles NPC combat AI, making all NPCs passive. Spawn 10,000 milk cartons, why not? 🤷 CommandEffect PlaceAtMe 0019121F 10000 Spawns 10,000 milk cartons at your location To test your PC's physics processing chops—such as by dropping 10,000 milk cartons on a skyscraper—use the Pl...
resurrectResurrect NPC – Selected NPC will be resurrected. For this command to work, you’ll need to select the NPC while in the console command menu so their Reference ID appears, then enter the cheat code. unlockUnlock Doors and Containers – Unlock your current target door or container. ...
To access the console in Starfield, press the ` key (above Tab). There will be a notice that some console commands will disable achievements for this save if you use them. It is then possible to type or paste commands according to your taste. If you want to submit something, simply typ...