or tell us all to go "F***" ourselves and buy AMD cards instead, since thats what they "endorsed" for the Game. https://www.reddit.com/r/IntelArc/comments/166r6ne/confirmed_starfield_issues/ Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply italian Novice 09-01-2023 04:46 PM 4,731 Views...
What we do know is Starfield will be using an updated version of the Creation Engine which has been used to power Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 (which is in itself an evolution of the Gamebyro Engine used by older titles). Todd Howard has also confirmed in an AMA on Reddit that ...
The game is also CPU and memory timing sensitive in the city areas. Reactions: Homy Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … 19 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Email Link Register on MacRumors! This sidebar will go away, and you'll see ...
In other news, the current AMD drivers seem to have a bug, where if you enable FSR (and possibly vsync) The game crashes. I stumbled upon one reddit thread that mentioned disabling FSR fixes the issue and AMD is working on a fix. I don't know if its strictly related to 7800/7700 ...
https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/1ZLlLn91sW ViperXtreme, Sep 6, 2023 #1547 KissSh0t likes this. Ghosty Ancient Guru Messages: 8,359 Likes Received: 1,405 GPU: Sapphire RX 7600 Game unlocks @ 12AM GMT+1. Ghosty, Sep 6, 2023 #1548 Krizby Banned Messages: 3,724 Like...
《星空》同样遵循Bethesda Game Studios的传统探索逻辑。 这也是Bethesda非线性开放世界设计的完整继承,游戏从一开始就将绝大部分系统和空间全盘开放给玩家。 Reddit甚至有玩家表示做完了全部阵营线,80小时候都没有进到陋室一次,也就代表第一次起飞后就从来没进行过主线。 当然,你甚至可以选择不起飞,就在维特拉上开始...
As you can see from this Reddit post shared by ‘MattGyver‘ himself online (or this high-resolution image of the galaxy map onMattGyver.com), this fan-made map really does have every major detail you could want to know about the Settled Systems in one place. ...
这个系列reddit很好评。现在modder都在摸索ck2,短时间应该很难有成体系的教学视频,所以想学mod制作的可以先看看辐射4的教学,一通百通,不方便上油管的可以先看我b站搬运。我也在跟着这个教程学习,欢迎支持原作者kinggath BV1Qbg5e1ECZ 视频是英文的,大伙可以用b站的自动翻译看 由于这个系列很长,我这几天也考试比...
This is info you get on the same computer in the Echoes of the Past quest for Delgado when you find the info on Kryx's "Legacy" ship. The Supremacy is said to have over 1 million credits on it, but in my searching I only found a lot of Reddit posters, all of whom haven't ...
这个系列reddit很好评。现在modder都在摸索ck2,短时间应该很难有成体系的教学视频,所以想学mod制作的可以先看看辐射4的教学,一通百通,不方便上油管的可以先看我b站搬运。我也在跟着这个教程学习,欢迎支持原作者kinggath BV1Qbg5e1ECZ 视频是英文的,大伙可以用b站的自动翻译看 由于这个系列很长,我这几天也考试比...