Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you emba...
Explore the world of Bethesda's Starfield, now available on Xbox console, PC and Game Pass. Answer humanity's greatest mystery in this epic role-playing game.
对于那些不急于在Starfield中加入New Game Plus的人来说,这是双倍的,他们花时间完成尽可能多的支线任务,而不会将自己锁定在任何可用内容之外。导致问题的不仅仅是内容量 - 这也是Starfield的许多支线任务的呈现方式。Starfield的任务日志缺乏关键细节 简而言之,星空的任务描述通常不会告诉玩家去哪里。最严重的违规者...
Starfield New Game Plus 1-10 The Unity Saves - Level 1 Character With and W/O All Powers - Version 2 has a Max Rank Powers save now.
Starfieldarrives exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2023. Play it day one with Xbox Game Pass. The year is 2330. Humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. From humble beginnings as a space miner, you will join Constellat...
完成主线任务“一个巨大的飞跃”将结束故事。没有“不归路”警告。此时建议玩家进行手动存档。如果没有,玩家仍然可以通过在启动 New Game+ 时立即重新加载最旧的自动保存来返回。 新游戏+会重置除等级和技能之外的所有进度(它会重置所有任务,支线任务,库存物品,关系,星际飞船,前哨站,探索进度,发现的系统/行星,船员...
Perfect NEW GAME plus (with SC2 ship) Endorsements 38 Unique DLs 582 Total DLs 714 Total views 13,579 Version 1 Download: Manual 6 items Last updated 27 September 20237:37PM Original upload 27 September 20237:37PM Created by GeorgesRex...
当群星闪耀 异种复生 6 还有弱智的new game+设定,有太多东西本应该做好而没做了,杯赛内部绝对出了大问题,陶德你该死啊! 来自Android客户端5楼2023-09-08 02:09 回复 当群星闪耀 异种复生 6 如果真对这游戏有期待就别发好评了,就该狠狠抽陶德和斯宾塞的脸,看看隔壁拉瑞安的态度,再看看杯赛的态度,我真的...
So, Adrenaline Software has found all of the games on my PC, including Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsports which are from Microsoft's Game Pass, but even after doing a search for new games, Starfield doesn't show up. Is there a way to add it so I can see what ...