This is info you get on the same computer in the Echoes of the Past quest for Delgado when you find the info on Kryx's "Legacy" ship. The Supremacy is said to have over 1 million credits on it, but in my searching I only found a lot of Reddit posters, all of whom haven't ...
If you’ve playedStarfieldfor even an hour, you know just how much stuff is in the game. Bethesda has made it its mission to ensure that there is plenty of content to enjoy well beyond the main campaign — or even the side quests, for that matter. A great example of this is the ga...
launched in a relatively bug-free state. As GamesRadar+reports, it didn’t take long at all for prospectiveStarfieldplayers on Reddit to notice that when the preloads went live,Starfieldwas already at version Although the details regarding the changes implemented in each of the game’...
We know what you think: With great expectations come great disappointments. However, we’re inclined to think that Starfield is going to be the title of the year. We’ll see you into the Starfield. Are you coming? More about the topics:...
Starfield is an incredible game that takes great advantage of rasterized tech, it’s one of the few games that feels like it was made for current gen consoles. The game knows this, every photo you take in photo mode is shown on the very short loading screens, it knows you think it loo...
giving us a possible glimpse at the game’s UI and characters. Now that the game has been shown off, it’s clear these leaks were the real deal. Another leak fromReddit(and relayed byGamesRadar) suggests that each planet inStarfieldis bigger than the entirety ofSkyrim, though this has not...
That's what happened to Denubtheredditor, whose cockpit took to the skies without the rest of the ship. Thankfully, this problem is easily fixed by restarting the game or re-customizing the ship. No one would last long in space without engines or guns. Cockpit took off without the rest... Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply italian Novice 09-01-2023 04:46 PM 4,731 Views Although AMD is to blame for the problems in the first place, intel is working on it and should be out before the...
this is going to be great, and from what i have heard of the soundtrack it is very epic space movie sounding. XP-200, Sep 6, 2023 #1554 KissSh0t likes this. DoubleSh0tNine Active Member Messages: 66 Likes Received: 25 GPU: Vega 56 Reference Darren Hodgson said: ↑ 100%...
I didn’t expect this city to be massive, but it looks so tiny seeing it in the new 3D map via a post on Reddit. Walking around it I often got lost and that helped make it feel bigger, but zoom out the camera and you see that, in reality, it’s pretty small and condensed. Th...