How to store items on your ship inStarfield To move items to your ship’s cargo hold, you will use either theCargo Hold Panelon your ship or theShip sectionof themain menu.Both will allow you to transfer goods to and from the ship. It is important to remember that you can sell goods...
The game launches on Xbox Series X|S and PC (with Game Pass) on September 6 – or on September 1 with the Starfield Premium Edition, Starfield Premium Edition Upgrade, or the Starfield Constellation Edition – and we at Xbox Wire have been lucky enough to play it early. This is an enor...
To cut down on how often you’re cycling back and forth between your inventory and the game world, we recommend you get acquainted early on with the Favorites bar, which can be accessed far more easily. You have three items you can store in each major direction of the D-Pad (or if y...
There are many options when decidingwhat to do with contraband inStarfield.Once players have made it onto the planet safely, they will then have to decide where to sell the extremely valuable items. In the early stages of the game, there may only be a single...
Compact Mission UI, like its name suggests, has nothing to do with inventory management and everything to do with quest management. The mod changes Starfield’s mission menu so more quests and Activities can be seen on screen at once. It increases viewable items by 50% which is fantastic fo...
(lodge or spaceship) for 48 hours, then all shops have full money again. You can also store loot in your spaceship, interact with the wall panel in the Cockpit near the Pilot Seat. The stats & values of dropped items scale to your own character level. They won’t show a level on ...
off is the length of service discount, which starts out at 10% off all items in the Humble Store, and grows up to 20% off once you’ve been subscribed for a whole year. This means you can bag some of the newest releases for 20% cheaper than on Steam or the Epic Games Store. ...