Players need to connect the gas storage unit to the fuel pump of their Interstellar Cargo Link platforms and put Helium-3 into the storage unit. 5 Helium-3 will be used for every cargo transfer, so put as much as possible. You need to put this setup in both your outposts on different...
InStarfield, resources are used in virtually every type of crafting—building Outposts, modding weapons and armor, crafting consumables, and even completing the research necessary to learn new crafting recipes. Thankfully, resources can be mined automatically after some setup at an Outpost, so you ...
You can fast travel there with ease, and there's a lovely setup for all your research and crafting needs in the basement. Alternatively, you might want to build yourself a little den of science at one of your outposts—check out our Starfield outpost guide for more info on that. ...
Once you have StarUI Outpost installed, working, and setup to your liking, please go to B.A.S.E. download section and get the StarUI customized version of my "Base.esm". Extract it and add to Plugins.txt (anywhere in the load order).Then download the icon pack file, extract it, ...
Find a planet with Cobalt and Nickel– We recommend Venus in the Sol system due to how quickly time runs on the planet (more on that later). Create an outpost location– Locate a spot where both cobalt and nickel can be extracted. ...
removeoutposts [ref]Removes the given Outpost and all built items. setesramsetupForce specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup). callstacktracedepthSet the callstack depth when tracing it. commandedactivatedCommands selected actor to use a reference. ...
The purpose of an outpost is to create more outposts… These are not like Fallout 4 settlements. Now if you can make an outpost and use it to generate something if value, raw material, finished products, and setup a trade network, I might be interested. Mist likely I will set up at ...
This is an article about Update 4 for the game Starfield which contains a new Starfield 60 fps mode. It also teases future content
Once you have access to the console, you can enter any command you like in Starfield. It is as simple as that, but you will obviously need to know the right command or cheat to enter. Item ID There are going to be a lot of commands that are going to require an Item ID. They are...
I did not find a way to decorate my ship like I could an outpost or apartment, which was a bit disappointing. Space combat is a bit of a resource-balancing dance, and one that I found oddly easier with a controller. While ground-based combat definitely benefits from aiming with a mouse...