Delivering Devils: Fixed an issue that could prevent companions from following the player to Percival at the end of the mine. Divided Loyalties: Fixed an issue that could cause zealot ships to not appear during the encounter with Jaeda Huang. Echoes Of The Past: Resolved ...
Delivering Devils: Fixed an issue that could prevent companions from following the player to Percival at the end of the mine. Divided Loyalties: Fixed an issue that could cause zealot ships to not appear during the encounter with Jaeda Huang. Echoes Of The Past: Resolved an issue where fai...
StarfieldPatch 1.10.31 finallyremoves the penalty for undoing Digipicksso you’ll be able to take your time and work to open locks freely now. There are alsoseveral changes to Photo Modeand ahuge list of bug fixes. Some of the other neat changes to come from this patch include the abili...