在星空starfield游戏中,玩家可通过控制台输入代码快速获得对应效果,其中武器代码需要获得武器ID代码才可以解锁对应的武器,在这里带来星空starfield武器代码一览,下面一起来看看吧! 1、002773C8= Orion 猎户座 2、0021BBCD= Old Earth Hunting Rifle旧地球狩猎步枪 3、000547A3= Breach 违规 4、00546CC= Hard Target 硬...
例如,Razorleaf 的 formID 是 14E2FA。 如果您需要帮助查找船舶的表格 ID。进入飞船内部,打开控制台,然后输入“player.getspaceship”以查看你 的飞船的表单 ID 出现在 txt 文件中。 使任何人成为追随者(用于指定的NPC或卫兵): 步骤1:在控制台中输入 "ssq 0000D773"(不包括引号) 步骤2:在点击所需的NPC后,...
硬核目标 0x000546CC 8.7 14650 .50口径 5 HardTarget BothHandsLeftOptional 冲击手雷 0x0026D89F 0.2 450 0 ImpactGrenade GrenadeSlot 燃烧手雷 0x0026F180 0.3 480 0 IncendiaryGrenade GrenadeSlot 炼狱地雷 0x00389F33 0.4 510 0 InfernoMine GrenadeSlot 木灵 0x00253A16 2.25 5120 7.77毫米 30 Kod...
Hard Target 步枪· 弹道武器000546CC 文件:硬核目标.png 物理 128 弹药 .50口径 弹匣 5 射速 25 范围 100 精度 74.2% 重量 9.15 价值 20510 模块 7 数据基于一级玩家一级星球控制台获得,实际性能受等级、技能、模块等多种条件影响 WIKI功能 阅读
0026D8A4 Va’Ruun Starshard 0026D8A1 Wakiazashi Ammo Item IDs The following areammo item IDs. Item IDs arefirst— followed by thename of the item. Item IDs are used for the console codeplayer.additem [ItemID] [###]. Replace [itemID] and brackets with the codes listed below....
player.additem 000546CC 1 Hard Target player.additem 00253A16 1 Kodama player.additem 0021FEB4 1 Kraken player.additem 0002D7F4 1 Lawgiver player.additem 002984DF 1 Maelstrom player.additem 0002EB3C 1 MagShear player.additem 00023606 1 MagPulse player.additem 0002EB42 1 MagShot play...
Hard Target 000546CC player.additem 000546CC 1 Kodama 00253A16 player.additem 00253A16 1 Kraken 0021FEB4 player.additem 0021FEB4 1 Lawgiver 0002D7F4 player.additem 0002D7F4 1 Maelstrom 002984DF player.additem 002984DF 1 MagPulse 00023606 player.additem 00023606 1 MagShear 0002EB3C player.addi...
Pretty much every item you find in Starfield has a specific Item ID tied to it. That makes it easier to identify them while writing console commands and cheat codes. You can use the item ID in tandem with a command and do tons of exciting stuff. For example, you can pick a weapon an...
1 items Last updated 02 October 202312:20AM Original upload 02 October 202312:20AM Created by BardOfTomorrow Uploaded by BardOfTomorrow Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files1 Images1 Videos0 Docs Posts28 ...
6 movetoqt Move To Quest Target 7 player.additem 0000000a <value> Adds a specified number of digipicks. 8 player.additem 0000000f <value> Adds a specified number of credits. 9 player.additem 0000ABF9 <value> Adds a specified number of med packs. 10 player.additem <item_id> <value> ...