This confirms what many fans suspected based on earlier preview footage, and puts Starfield's ship combat in line with the most beloved space combat sims out there - perhaps the most iconic of which are Star Wars games like X-Wing and TIE Fighter. In another cue from those games, a targe...
The Save file for my current collection of ships. The file is intended as a Ship blueprint of sorts since we are lacking that function. Will do build guides/schematics per request. I don't usually put
Initial release Sept. 6, 2023 Developers Bethesda Game Studios Genres Action Adventure Open World RPG Science Fiction Shooter Shooter: First Person Publishers Bethesda Softworks Spotted a mistake? Tell us! Starfield Spotlight It Exists Starfield Shattered Space review - Almost The first major ex...
Update to the Millennium Falcon buildfromr/Starfield Fully functional Millenium Falconfromr/Starfield You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecsfromr/Starfield The Falcon is of course not the only Star Wars ship that's made...
This mod adds Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 starfighter from Star Wars original trilogy. A singularly unique, single-pilot ship. Life size and all modular.
If you’re playing melee fighter build in Starfield, then go for theExo Servos modin Slot 3. This will increase your melee damage across the board.To create Exo Servos mods, you must research Spacesuit Mods 2 and use 1 Positron Battery, 2 Semimetal Wafer, and 3 Titanium. ...
Are you a lover more than a fighter? Unfortunately, you can’t beatStarfieldcompletely without fighting, but this power can certainly help you get close — or just make it that much easier for you to gun down enemies. Hitting foes with this power will “fill your foes with the silent cal...
Similarly, all of this space travel means you need a spaceship, and while it looks cool (and you can purchase some sweet upgrades or new crafts), I found piloting the ship to be pretty fiddly. Instead, I mostly just fast-traveled from planet to planet, hoping that a pirate fleet wasn’...
The faction is a great place for smuggling, raiding, and various other illicit activities in Starfield, though be aware that you'll make a lot of enemies and will probably rack up a huge bounty along the way. So, if you want to hoist the space jolly roger above your ship, ...
Imagine entire continents at war, with tanks, trucks, and fighter craft alongside hordes of infantry. Throw that into the far future, and you’ve got PlanetSide 2, a never-ending conflict on an incredible scale that’s pretty damn good-looking. There is nothing else quite like this out ...