编辑技能点Edit Skill Points 减少:Alt+NUM3 增加:Ctrl+NUM3 快速增加同伴好感度Companion Affinity Always Go Up Ctrl+NUM4 超级精准度Super Accuracy Ctrl+Alt+NUM1 无后座力No Recoil Ctrl+Alt+NUM2 快速射击Rapid Fire Ctrl+Alt+NUM3 所有武器都可连射All Guns Become Fully Automatic ...
Alt+Num 7 – Unlock All Skills Alt+Num 8 – 100% Steal Chance Alt+Num 9 – Persuasion Always Succeed Alt+Num 0 – Easy Research Alt+Num . – No Crafting Material Requirements Alt+Num + – Minimum Building Material Requirements Alt+Num –– Companion Affinity Always Go Up Download...
A number of plugins (files ending in .esm, .esp or .esl) were made available by mod authors before the official Creation Kit has been released. As of opening this issue, xEdit by @ElminsterAU with support for Starfield has not been relea...
Going off of that note, the one thing that irks me is Bethesda still hasn't learned to incorporate into companion AI is not to walk in front of my character. Several times I've lined up to take a shot and the NPC has walked right in front and gets downed from the shot I take. ...
I have the Pilot 4 and Targeting 2 Skills. I graved in, and was confronted by a UC ship warning me off that Toliman is quarantined due to terrormorph infestation. “Fine, I’ll leave” I said because my quest target was at one of Toliman’s moons, however, who knows, I may come...