If you open the console with a companion in view, you can click on them to set them as the target for these commands, which tell you their affinity level and let you set it to what you want. These aren't perfectly straightforward, as redditor Objective_Tailor607 has discovered through ...
Though Players are still digging thorough the game and finding more console commands, the list is incredibly impressive as it is thus far. There is a huge amount you can already do and tweak with these console commands.RelationshipHuman136 on Reddithas done an amazing job of collating all the...
This is for parts unlock. Echolog Design: [Ship Build Guide] How to build a ship with Maxed Stats (Speed, Mobility, Jump Range, Shield, etc.) by u/echolog in Starfield If you look at that link, there is a "Discovery model" by Elrigh, linked to down in the comments, of ...