If you’re playing Starfield on PC, you can use console commands to add items, toggle god mode, and more. Our guide lists out the most useful Starfield cheats.
Robots are tied to the Outpost Management perk and are unrelated to the general build limit. soursler member 0 kudos 17 October 2023, 11:08AM set 000F7C96 to 999 this command will set turrets to 999 limit leshacatt member 0 kudos 15 October 2023, 6:26PM I would advise adding ...
Powersare special abilities you will gain by visitingtemplesduring the Main story path. To unlock them instantly, use the console commandplayer.addspell [Spell ID]. To upgrade powers, use theplayer.addperk [Perk ID]— each Power has aSpell IDand aPerk ID. We’ll separate them below ...
Console commands let you take full control of Starfield without downloading any mods. To use them, like cheats, you need to know all the right codes to enter.
player.addperk (Perk ID)Add Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds – The specified skill, trait, or background will be added to your character. Do note that you will need to have a spare perk, trait, or background slot available in order to add a perk to your character. So, be sure to ...
Background and trait commands only need to be entered once, but you must remove an existing background or trait prior to being able to add a new one. The command formats are: player.addperk (Skill, Background or Trait ID) player.removeperk (Skill, Background or Trait ID) As an ...
We've compiled some of the most useful Starfield console commands including infinite health, infinite credits, god mode, noclip, and more cheats/commands.
player.addperk [perk ID] — Add a skill or perk (see sections below for IDs) Starfield console commands list Below you'll find a larger list of Starfield console commands. A few notes on usage: If you see [#], replace it with a number, which usually represents a quantity or amount....
The perk is incompatible withIntrovert(since they do entirely opposite things). You can remove the trait by interacting with Andy Singh. Players can locate him at the House of the Enlightened. Alternatively, you can use theStarfield console commandsto add it. ...
Toggle Commands Targeted Commands Player Commands Quest Commands Using Starfield Console Commands on PC To enter and run commands in “Starfield,” players must first gain access to the console. The steps below will guide you on how to do it: ...