Console Command tips Commands often contain multiple words without spaces For true/false commands1 = on, 0 = off Some commands toggle on/off (tcl, tgm, etc) player commands are typically separated with a period (.) You can copy/paste text, but not cut. Hold SHIFT and use the ...
amod 0028F444 武器 改进型 n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。 暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的 amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4点 武器伤害叠加: 2级(校...
On your ship, open the console and type save funclist 1, the game WILL FREEZE ENTIRELY for a few seconds, it can crash you game as well, i recommend doing a save backup before using this command. I've ran this command and it just saves my game, notepad doesn't open and I don'...
For other readers, on ships you can add decorations (temporarily until changed with shipbuilder) using "placethere 24DC7" to create a console player home decorator on a wall (select it & "modangle z 180" to turn it around). gatesmcfadden member 0 kudos 09 January 2024, 1:38PM ...
A mod to help you backup and restore your entire player inventory.It can be used to backup your player inventory before going through the Unity, and restore it after starting a NG+.
n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。 暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的 amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4点 ...
n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。 暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的 amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4点 ...