星际种子行动:解决了一个罕见的问题,即通往富兰克林·罗斯福的门在Charybdis III上无法进入。 星际种子行动:修复了玩家在查里布迪斯三世内战后无法与成吉思汗交谈的问题。 来自彼岸的力量:修复了可能导致神殿无法出现在预期位置的问题。 来自彼岸的力量:现在与弗拉基米尔交谈应该更容易了。 恶作剧来电者:修复了笑话船在完...
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Charybdis are: Charybdis I Charybdis II Charybdis III Charybdis IV Charybdis IV-a (Moon of Charybdis IV) Charybdis V Charybdis V-a (Moon of Charybdis V) Charybdis VI Charybdis VI-a (Moon of Charybdis VI) Charybdis VI-b (Moon of Charybdis VI) C...
Operation Starseed: Fixed an issue where the player could be unable to talk to Genghis Khan after the civil war on Charybdis III. Power From Beyond: Fixed an issue that could cause the Temple to not to appear where intended. Power from Beyond: It should now be easier...
Operation Starseed: Fixed an issue where the player could be unable to talk to Genghis Khan after the civil war on Charybdis III. Power From Beyond: Fixed an issue that could cause the Temple to not to appear where intended. Power from Beyond: It should now be easier to talk to Vladi...
Operation Starseed: Fixed an issue where the player could be unable to talk to Genghis Khan after the civil war on Charybdis III. Power From Beyond: Fixed an issue that could cause the Temple to not appear where intended. Power from Beyond: It should now be easier to talk to Vladimir. ...
星际种子行动:解决了一个罕见的问题,即通往富兰克林·罗斯福的门在Charybdis III上无法进入。 星际种子行动:修复了玩家在查里布迪斯三世内战后无法与成吉思汗交谈的问题。 来自彼岸的力量:修复了可能导致神殿无法出现在预期位置的问题。 来自彼岸的力量:现在与弗拉基米尔交谈应该更容易了。