He should be easy to spot next to the cargo, so talk to this NPC character. Select the option to check the ships that he has for sale, and it will include the following options: Ship NameValue Sunsail II 186843 Carry ALL II 213780 Rambler II 82955 Renegade 270062 Abyss Trekker 304446 ...
Delivering resources with a Cargo Link is simple. All you need to do isput the resources you want to deliver into the red containeron the Cargo Link. The red container means outgoing resources, while the green is incoming. So, for example,say you want to deliver 600 Cobalt to ...
Cargo Hold: This invaluable addition to any ship allows you to store items and goods you pick up along the way. While you only need one, you’ll probably be adding a lot more. Grav Drive: You won’t be going anywhere quickly without faster-than-light travel. You’ll want a Grav Driv...
Outpost Management:This skill is vital for the functionality and efficiency of your outpost. Ranking it up will allow you to add cargo links, construct robots, assign crew members, and increase extraction at your outpost. Planetary Habitation:Many planets in the Starfield universe have extreme and ...
We’re not going to outline all of them, but you can get a better understanding of what the mod includes by heading to the link above. It’s an awesome mod and we hope it comes to the Xbox Series X and Series S next year. Fingers crossed. ...
Addressed an issue with Cargo Link parts not updating orientation after moving a structure at an Outpost. Removed red outline that could sometimes remain on objects after they were repaired at an outpost. Fixed an issue where changing greenhouse flora types in Outposts could disconnect the water ...
This Output Link causes resources to flow directly from the Extractor to the container, meaning that significantly more resources can be harvested before offloading is required. Finally, you cancreate a Cargo Linkto pick up resources from an Outpost without even needing to land your ship, as well...
Players can go about this multiple ways by either destroying the ship or intimidating them to give up the cargo. The Deception skill is useful as it makes intimidating stronger ships easier. All players need to do is dock with The Key to turn in the missions when the objective is complete...
The Kepler R has the biggest fuel and cargo capacity among all the ships on this list. Being a high-class ship, you can expect bigger grav jumps, better weapon systems, and overall exploration. FYI Class C ships are powerhouses and require a level 4 piloting skill. ...
If you don’t have the credits to spare for that sort of thing, then your next best option is toloot the enemy ships you destroy. When looting, there’s a chance their inventory will contain Ship Parts, which get transferred directly to your ship’s Cargo Bay. To access it, you can...