The following areammo item IDs. Item IDs arefirst— followed by thename of the item. Item IDs are used for the console codeplayer.additem [ItemID] [###]. Replace [itemID] and brackets with the codes listed below. 002B559C .27 Caliber 002B559A .43 MI Array 02B5599 .43 Ult...
Ammo Item IDs Even the best guns in Starfield are useless without their ammo. Every weapon type uses unique ammo as well, Arrays, Calibers, or Particle Fuses. You can find ammo inside crates, on enemy corpses, or purchase them from different vendors. TIP If you are struggling with acquirin...
additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds Items – Adds the item of the code you input to your inventory (item codes listed below). (Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attach Weapon Mods – Same as the item command, only will attach the selected mod to your gun. (Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Remove ...
To use the cheats you need to press the Tilde (~) key on your keyboard in-game which will open up the console command. You can use nay of the following codes to unlock the cheats. CodeEffect tgmToggle God Mode - Enables complete invincibility and unlimited ammo. ...
Item ID There are going to be a lot of commands that are going to require an Item ID. They are basically identification numbers assigned to every item in the game. If you want to refer to any of the items, let’s say you want to add a specific resource, You can use the command ...
The only way to activate cheat codes in this captivating RPG game is by using the console commands. Knowing how to apply them helps players increase their skill points, activate god mode, walk through walls, and spawn all items in the game. The possibilities are infinite. If you’re a fan...
Makes you invincible and gives you unlimited ammo tgm #Immortal Mode! You can take damage but your health will never hit 0 tim #Add money player.additem f 1000000000 #Sets your character to the specified level(Note your level can only go up not down, max is 998) player.setlevel...
What is an immortal to a god?tgmunlocks God Mode, one of gaming’s most beloved cheats. It makes you invulnerable and gives you unlimited ammo, stamina, and carry weight. Starfieldhas lots of cheats available to players. These cheats range from simple codes that spawn items to cheats that...
Bethesda games have had a long history of excellent cheats built right into the games on PC via console commands. I remember completing my playthrough ofSkyrimand going you know what, I’m going to mess around now. I then used the console commands to make myself the best bow and set of...
The console will return any and all codes related to the word ultramag Look for the line reading "AMMO: (002B5599) .43 Ultramag" 002B5599 is the item ID for ultramag ammo Typing "player.additem 002B5599 100" (no quotes) will add 100 rounds of .43 ultramag ammo to your inventory...