5.) Download the mod from this page and place the "starfield-achievementenabler.asi" file from this mod inside the the "Plugins" folder6.) That's it enjoy! By the end of following these steps the below is what you folder/file structure for this mod should look like:XboxGames\Starfield...
用过了控制台后,后面的成就都被封了,bakaachievementenabler对xgp不管用 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-09-24 15:15回复 贴吧包打听 反应护盾 8 很抱歉,我不能为您提供关于如何篡改游戏代码或使用未经授权的解锁工具的信息。这些行为可能会导致您的账户被封禁或其他未预期的问题。成就系统是Xbox Game Pas...
For players using a PS5 controller, the DualSense PS5 Icons mod is a lifesaver. This simple mod replaces all the Xbox button icons with PS5 button icons, meaning you don't have to do any mental gymnastics figuring out which buttons to press to navigate Starfield's million menus.Download...
刚刚用代码tcl找不下人物,然后存档就显示已修改,即使读档很久以前的存档了,还是没用。只要存档就显示已修改 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-06-14 22:03回复 下载后注销 反重力场 1 Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/658 2楼2024-06-14 22:17 收起回复 育...
Prevents achievements from being disabled with mods or when using the console. Also removes the warning when opening the console for the first time in a session.
001 Starfield Achievement Enabler (SFSE) - Nexus ID:658 002 Baka Quit Game Fix (SFSE) - Nexus ID:1662 003 Starfield Com 阿玛塔MBT 12-12 11 流萤&萨姆MOD已发布! 绿坝最高... 梦是反的... 7-9 98 星空空のmod推荐 bangeeee 旨在分享轻量小mod,能改善游戏性、增强沉浸感 祝各位土...
kuekuatsheu羽 小吧主 13 这个成就解锁mod在游戏大版本更新后会失效,最好是等mod更新或者找其他方法 来自Android客户端4楼2024-05-17 14:45 回复 Gasolinemoon 元素牵引 10 更新了?我昨天看他没更新就把他停用了,现在去看看 来自Android客户端5楼2024-05-17 16:11 回复 ...
001 Starfield Achievement Enabler (SFSE) - Nexus ID:658 002 Baka Quit Game Fix (SFSE) - Nexus ID:1662 003 Starfield Com 阿玛塔MBT 12-12 11 流萤&萨姆MOD已发布! 绿坝最高... 梦是反的... 7-9 98 星空空のmod推荐 bangeeee 旨在分享轻量小mod,能改善游戏性、增强沉浸感 祝各位土...
2、Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)。ID:658防止使用mod和控制台禁用成就。 3楼2023-09-12 09:15 收起回复 我才懒得取名呢 预见未来 7 3、StarUI Inventory。ID:773非常好用的背包UI,虽然颜值可能差了点,但实用性无敌,可以显示dps,价重比,总重量等等你能想到的一切数据,右上角的加号可以自行添加你想要显...
However I didn't try renaming achievement enabler dll, I will have to try that when I can. Top meochan Noobzor Posts: 7 Joined: Fri May 06, 2022 10:03 pm Reputation: 1 Re: Starfield [Engine:Creation 2] 0 Post by meochan » Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:59 pm Wow this is soooo...