星空1080P,2K..测试CPU为 5600XGPU 6800内存32G2K分辨率打开FSR2高质量模式 其他画面设置全部最高的情况下,在城里逛街仅30,40FPS同配置,同设置在1080P分辨率下 帧数40,50。下图在宇宙里面好点 有55帧这样
这里的1080p下的描述是great framerates,而1440p用的high fps,担心1080p下指的不会是30帧吧。毕竟优化都是在xbox平台下进行的 来自Android客户端3楼2023-07-12 08:16 收起回复 银河战舰 虚空形态 9 CPU配置要求是不是太高了 来自Android客户端4楼2023-07-12 08:29 收起回复 pery...
This is an article about Update 4 for the game Starfield which contains a new Starfield 60 fps mode. It also teases future content
Your card at 4k with FSR Q will get lower fps than the above, so below 35. Again, if you are happy with that - im happy, we are both happy. The above is of course without path tracing, with PT you are looking at single digits or something. Click to expand... Once again you...
Even 60 FPS is pretty drab, you will understand if you have experience north of a 100. And guess what? You can have max fidelity and high FPS, no need to make sacrifices. diamond.g macrumors G4 Mar 20, 2007 11,663 2,814 OBX Jun 29, 2023 #47 Random_Matt said: 30 FPS = ...
【这是我用过最好的优化补丁】最新-《星空(Starfield)》60 FPS最新-《星空(Starfield)》-FPS画面巨大提升60帧-低端-高端-显卡都适用 这是我用过最有效果的优化补丁。比之前网上的MOD优化效果都要好,画面效果几乎不怎么损失。 而使用这个优化补丁后,预设设置为最高,在城内FPS已经超过60帧率。画面非常惊艳。 本人...
Oct. 30, 2024 Mark Warren News Worth The Wait? | One former Bethesda dev thinks Starfield 2 is going to be "one hell of a game", so it's a shame we probably won't get to play it for another decade Or maybe Bethesda has finally cracked the code on not taking so long to ma...
Seriously I'm so glad I bought a 7900XT. It falls royally above 60 (min) FPS almost everywhere I look in recent titles. And that's not common it seems anymore. Damn Also, beating a 1200 dollar card feels pretty neat, and that's rapidly starting to look like a common thing as new...