Systematic phonics instruction; Methods to improve fluency and comprehension. Starfall motivates through positive reinforcement and play. Children delight as they see, hear, and interact with letter-sound relationships in words, sentences, games, and songs. Where Children Have Fun Learning to Read™...
ABC学习26个字母及对应的发音,点击字母都可发声,每个字母用三个单词并配以图片来演示发音。 比如字母H,就用helicopter(直升机)、hummingbird(蜂鸟)和horses(马)来举例。 第二阶段:Learn to Read--从单词拼读到句子阅读 这一阶段学习的是phonics(自然拼读法)的拼读规则,包含长元音,短元音,元音+辅音等等最基本的拼...
starfall除了四大分级书库外,还有颜色(Colors)、拼读(More Phonics)、背包熊(Backpack Bear's Books)和朗读(Talking Library)四大补充书库。 把四个分级书库学完,就需要继续学习4大补充书库,夯实基础。 一、颜色书库一共12本书,介绍了12个颜色。 通过这12本小书,应该可以对颜色词有很好的掌握了。 2、拼读书库(Mor...
songs, and stories. Using a clearly articulated voice, each letter is identified by name, sounds, and words. Children interact with each letter by tapping, sliding, sorting, and dragging objects through five or more screens of engaging phonics learning. Many of the letters include real pictures ...
ABC学习26个字母及对应的发音,点击字母都可发声,每个字母用三个单词并配以图片来演示发音。 比如字母H,就用helicopter(直升机)、hummingbird(蜂鸟)和horses(马)来举例。 第二阶段:Learn to Read--从单词拼读到句子阅读 这一阶段学习的是phonics(自然拼读法)的拼读规则,包含长元音,短元音,元音+辅音等等最基本的拼...
Sing—Along——包含VolumA和Volum B总共100首 儿童歌曲。 ABC Rhymes——把26个字母的发音,再加上ch、sh、th和wh 的发音,用一些小故事来加强Phonics练习. HistoricalAmerican FolkSongs-—有5首配上动画的民 歌. starfall使用攻略 三、网页版和App版的区别 除了前面说到的I'mReading这部分在App上找不到之外...
ABC Kids - Tracing & Phonics Elmo Loves ABCs Lite 教育 书写——帮助孩子们学习如何书写字母 - Starter BrainPOP Jr. 教育 学习123 个数字:儿童游戏 2-5 岁 PBS Parents Play and Learn Duck Duck Moose Reading 启蒙英语自然拼音教学-早教游戏
ABC——学习26个英语字母及发音,建立字母和发音的关系,让小朋友认识字母的写法,掌握字母的发音。ABC学习26个字母及对应的发音,点击字母都可发声,每个字母用三个单词并配以图片来演示发音。Learn to Read——掌握PhonemicAwareness,学习Phonics基本规则,通过相关书本和游戏练习元音辅音的听、说。Learn to Read学习...
2、backpack bear books和short vowel pals属于学习phonics 和sight word的必备,搭配免费版的learn to read的学习。 当然最好是搭配《phonics kids》和《sight word kids》这两套书学习,这两套书涉及的比较全面,正好可以弥补网站内容的稍微有点杂乱和不太规律的问题。
The Starfall™ ABCs app contains a free selection of activities from This app is the first step of Starfall’s free Learn-to-Read sequence, which in…