This kit is available at a very low cost and may also be downloaded completely free at Starfall. Since 2002, Starfall has been providing teaching resources including books, movies, songs, and educational games. The printed books are an essential component, especially for learning to read. ...
Color——这个是关于颜色单词的练习,每个颜色用很多物品来表示,侧重颜色单词的学习。 Motion Songs——用动作和歌曲对字母发音的输入,可以作为ABC的辅助学习 Packback Bear's Book——学习高频词汇,并通过识字卡片的游戏完成句子,这个模块是高频词Sight words 的学习以及配套的阅读小故事。 1、颜色(Color) 一共介绍了...
starfall free软件特色 界面美好生动,吸引宝宝的注意力。 重点在于通过游戏的方式,促进宝宝对ABC字母的了解,为将来的成材打下良好的基础。 通过不同的游戏模式,促进宝宝在音乐,数学,国家,形状,动物,传统文化的认知,启发儿童的想象力、记忆力、创造力。 starfall网站内容 最基础的是“ABCs”,透过游戏和探险引导小朋友...
The Starfall™ ABCs app contains a free selection of activities from This app is the first step of Starfall’s free Learn-to-Read sequence, which includes all of the basics for learning to read. Starfall™ activities motivate through exploration, positive reinforcement, and ...
在App里也有对应的内容,Starfall提供多个App应用针对不同内容,其中StarfallFree和Starfall ABC是免费App,Starfall ABC可以免费学习全部26个字母,而Starfall Free则可以进入四个阶段的学习。推荐理由:激发孩子的学习兴趣,页面干净清楚,覆盖Pre-K到G2的Reading和Maths课程,从零基础开始学习,直到完成全部课程,掌握...
Only abc I think it should include "learn to read","It's fun to read"&"I'm reading".App Privacy See Details The developer, Starfall Education Foundation, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the develop...
搜索APP: starfall free 找到星星图标如下图: 不免费版可以使用APP中的部分内容,看到如图,灰色是需要付费使用的! Starfall设计了四个学习阶段 第一步:磨耳朵阶段-英语的大量涉入后,积累原始词汇。 学习26个英语字母及发音,建立字母和发音的关系,让小朋友认识字母的写法,掌握字母的发音。ABC学习26个字母及对应的发...
Starfall ABC Pricing Starfall ABCs app is free to download and use. Starfall offers various membership options: Home Membership: $35 per year for a single household, or $30 per year with 20+ items. Teacher's Membership: $70 per year for one teacher and up to six student devices, or ...
Starfall was developed in the classroom by teachers and opened in August 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read. Since then it has expanded to include standards in language arts and mathematics for preschool through fifth grade and above. The program emphasizes exploration, play...
Starfall也是有App可以下载在手机中使用的,针对学习方向不同,有不同的app。 免费的app针对内容:Starfall ABC:免费学习全部26个字母,Starfall Free:进入四个阶段的学习。 Starfall适合什么年龄段的宝贝? 在幼儿园甚至更小的阶段,还没开始英语启蒙,那么Starfall是你的首选,适合2-6岁的孩子使用。