He stared intently at the painting, trying to decipher its meaning. (他专心地盯着那幅画,试图解读它的含义。) “intently” 强化了注视的专注程度。 She stared down at her trembling hands. (她低头看着自己颤抖的手。) “down” 说明了视线的方向,也暗示了人物内心的不安。 They stared out at the vas...
“stare into”:表示“凝视(某物)”,如“She stared into the fire”(她凝视着火)。 “stare blankly”:表示“发呆”,如“He stared blankly at the wall”(他呆呆地看着墙)。 五、同义表达 在英语中,与“stare”含义相近的词汇还有“gaze”、“fixate”和“look intently”等。这些词...
Looked at the floor. Stare To look with a feeling of curiosity or disbelief. They stared in wonder at the fireworks. 2 Look To search We looked all afternoon but could not find it. Stare To gaze fixedly and intently, especially with wide-open eyes. She stared at the strange object in...
“look intently”:意指专注地看,与“stare”在意义上相近。 例句:He looked intently at the map, trying to find the shortest route.
To gaze intently. She stared at the puzzle, trying to find the solution. 9 Glare An expression of anger using one's eyes. Her glare was enough to silence the whispers. 5 Stare To look at steadily without blinking. The cat stared at the mouse hole, waiting patiently. 7 Glare A harsh,...
to gaze fixedly and intently, especially with the eyes wide open. to be boldly or obtrusively conspicuous: The bright modern painting stares out at you in the otherwise conservative gallery. to be patently or compellingly obvious: The stark, staring fact is, you can't do something with noth...
1. to gaze fixedly and intently, esp. with the eyes wide open. 2. to be boldly or obtrusively conspicuous. 3. (of hair, feathers, etc.) to stand on end; bristle. v.t. 4. to stare at: to stare a person up and down. 5. to effect or have a certain effect on by sta...
to gaze fixedly and intently, esp. with the eyes wide open. to be boldly or obtrusively conspicuous:The bright modern painting stares out at you in the otherwise conservative gallery. (of hair, feathers, etc.) to stand on end; bristle. ...
1. to gaze fixedly and intently, esp. with the eyes wide open. 2. to be boldly or obtrusively conspicuous. 3. (of hair, feathers, etc.) to stand on end; bristle. v.t. 4. to stare at: to stare a person up and down. 5. to effect or have a certain effect on by sta...
Gaze: The artist gazed intently at the canvas, lost in his creative process. (艺术家专注地凝视着画布,沉浸在创作过程中。) Stare: He stared menacingly at his opponent. (他凶狠地盯着他的对手。) Gaze: She gazed out at the ocean, feeling a sense of peace. (她凝视着大海,感到平静。) Stare...