ДобропожаловатьвофициальнуювикипоStardew Valley Внастоящеевремяздесь1973 статейпоролевойигреозагороднойжизниотConcernedApe. ОфициальныйсайтОфициальныйф...
Stardew Valley Wiki is the #1 resource for the country-life RPG Stardew Valley, covering gameplay, villagers, quests, fishing and more.
星露谷物语(Stardew Valley)是由ConcernedApe独力开发的一款农场类RPG游戏。本维基致力于收集和整理相关游戏数据和资料。
Stardew Valley Wiki est la ressource n ° 1 du Stadeew Valley, jeu de rôle et vie à la campagne, couvrant le jeu, les villageois, les quêtes, la pêche et plus.
Stardew Valley Wikiは、ゲームプレイ、村人、クエスト、釣りなどをカバーする、国家的なRPG Stardew Valleyのための#1リソースです。
Stardew Valley Wiki es el recurso # 1 para el RPG Stardew Valley, que cubre el juego, aldeanos, misiones, pesca y mucho más.
Stardew Valley was officially released to the public for Windows on February 26th, 2016 and has seen many ports, fixes, and content releases since then. The Stardew Valley Wiki and Fandom Community has had countless members join to document and contribute information over the years, and we welco...
在Linux上:~/.config/StardewValley/startup_preferences。 修改<playerLimit>-1</playerLimit>的值為你想要修改的人數上限。例如,修改為<playerLimit>10</playerLimit>來使允許10個玩家一起遊玩。 若設置成-1則會使用默認值。 漏洞 如果兩個或者更多的玩家同時撿起一個物品,拿走桌子上的物品,或者破壞一個石頭,他...
Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG. You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these ov
Stardew Valley Wiki ist die # 1 Ressource für das Country-life RPG Stardew Valley, für Gameplay, Dorfbewohner, Quests, Angeln und vieles mehr.