One more way to get a Keg directly is to complete the Artisan bundle that is available in the Pantry section. Simply checklist any six items in the Artisan bundle to get a Keg as a reward. How to age Pale Ale in Stardew Valley? Once you have acquired both the Hops and the Keg, the...
While I could initially ignoreFae Farm’slack of character and charm, the more I played, the more it felt like I was just filling out a checklist. I’d collect the resources, craft what I needed to process those resources, and then use those resources to craft more things and repeat the...
Getting all of the achievements in Stardew Valley is hard. In fact, one achievement can be almost impossible so check out our guide to learn more.
I’m literally obsessed with Stardew valley and I was tired of constantly checking the wiki, because let’s be honest, it would be very hard to complete the community center without the wiki, and with the wiki, it still took me until Summer Year Four. This app was a great way to have...
A complete checklist of the Community Center bundles and rewards in Stardew Valley One of the main story quests of Stardew Valley is to complete and remodel the run-down Community Center. This is unlocked in day 5 of Spring. By offering...