WinterJump to navigation Jump to search Winter is the fourth season in Stardew Valley. It is followed by Spring and preceded by Fall. Winter is unique amongst the seasons in that no outdoors Crops, apart from Powdermelon Seeds, Winter Seeds and Fiber Seeds, will grow, and all Weeds and ...
Winter is the fourth season players are allowed to play through. The grounds will be completely white. There will be no grass on your farm and your trees will lose their leaves. It is followed by Spring of the following year and preceded by Fall. The fol
Stardew Valley Wiki est la ressource n ° 1 du Stadeew Valley, jeu de rôle et vie à la campagne, couvrant le jeu, les villageois, les quêtes, la pêche et plus.
Stardew Valley Wiki is the #1 resource for the country-life RPG Stardew Valley, covering gameplay, villagers, quests, fishing and more.
ДобропожаловатьвофициальнуювикипоStardew Valley Внастоящеевремяздесь1957 статейпоролевойигреозагороднойжизниотConcernedApe. ОфициальныйсайтОфициальныйф...
Seasons There are fourSeasonsinStardew Valley:Spring,Summer,Fall, andWinter. Each Season lasts 28days. The game begins on the first day ofSpring. After completing a cycle of seasons, the game moves forward one year when Spring starts again. Years are tied to a few events, but there's no...
Stardew Valley Wiki es el recurso # 1 para el RPG Stardew Valley, que cubre el juego, aldeanos, misiones, pesca y mucho más.
冬季是星露谷的第四个季节。在春季之前,秋季之后。 冬季在季节中是独一无二的,除了纤维种子、冬季种子、霜瓜和齐豆外,不会生长任何室外农作物,并且所有草、杂草和大多数耕种的土壤(包括所有肥料,即使地格仍被开垦)都将在季节开始时被清除。蜂房在冬季也不会生产蜂蜜。最后,除非施用树肥,否则普通树,包括农场种植...
冬季。每个季节都有28天。游戏的开始是春季的第一天。 每完成一个季节周期,春季再次开始时,游戏的年份加一。年份与一些事件有关,但是可以游玩的年份是无限的。村民的日常生活可能随新季节或事件而改变。每个季节都有独特的外观表现。 每个季节有2-4个节日,鹈鹕镇社区会聚集在一起举办特殊活动,可以在活动中购买物品,...