Winter Seeds are a type of Crafted seed. The crafting recipe is labeled "Wild Seeds (Wi)", but when crafted, the result is "Winter Seeds." Mature plants yield, at random, a Crocus, Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, or Winter Root. Winter Seeds are one of the season-specific crafted wild ...
↑ 参见游戏代码中的 Crop::ResolveSeedId 部分。 ↑ 参见游戏文件中的Data/LocationContexts中Desert和Island的SeasonOverride部分。 历史 1.3.27:在错误的季节直接不能种植作物,而非种下后消失。新增仙人掌果子作物。 1.4:新增茶叶和未碾米作物。 1.5:新增铱星作物,可通过使用顶级肥料获得。新增菠萝、芋头和齐瓜作物...
Foraging is the skill associated with gathering wild resources found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley, and with chopping down Trees. Foraging skill also increases by harvesting crops grown from Wild Seeds.
进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
Every Fall Crop & Sell Price in Stardew Valley The Fall season is a good time to work on hefty projects before you reach the Winter in Stardew Valley. However, the Summer has several profitable items that you will want to bury away into your storage chests to make sure you save them ...
《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期如何,结果结几个呢?下面就来提供一下全种子中文资料一览。 《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期...
Stardew Valley Player Shares Surprising Animal Discovery An unsuspecting Stardew Valley player shares an incredibly helpful discovery with fellow fans, earning praise for the useful find. 2 However, the need for reasources is exactly why players absolutelyshouldcontinue farming during winter; just not ...
Stardew ValleyConcernedApe Last but not least, we have the most useful and powerful glitch of all: the infinite item spawning glitch. By naming your character with specific codes tied to different items in the game’s code you can cause them to appear in your inventory whenever your name is...
stardew valley种子周期表一览 《stardew valley》通过游戏文本提取获得了下面的种子周期表,大家在前期发展中不知道怎么发展农场时,可以参考这里的周期表来进行农作物种子的种植,也可以更好的分配时间来全面发展。 《stardew valley》通过游戏文本提取获得了下面的种子周期表,大家在前期发展中不知道怎么发展农场时,可以参考...
无编辑摘要 08:46 -30 Chino 无编辑摘要 08:43 +29 Chino 创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox |name = 太阳花 |image = Sunflower.png |seed = {{name|Sunflower Seeds}} |growth = 8天 |season = {{Season|Summer}} • {...” 08:33 +2,295...