复活节(Egg Festival)是游戏星露谷物语中的一个节日,于每天春季第13天举办。节日从早上9:00开始,举办地点为鹈鹕镇广场。玩家在节日结束后回到家中时,时间会变成晚上10:00。 村民和玩家都会参加到一个叫做“彩蛋大寻宝”(Egg Hunt)的游戏中。玩家需要先与刘易斯村长对话来触发游戏;游戏中玩家需要在50秒内找到9个彩...
复活节(Egg Festival) 在每年春季的第13日举办。玩家可以在当日上午9:00至下午2:00到鹈鹕镇广场参加庆典 。离开后时间便变为晚上10:00。 村民和玩家都会参加到一个叫做“彩蛋大寻宝”(Egg Hunt)的游戏中。玩家需要先与刘易斯村长对话来触发游戏;游戏中玩家需要在50秒内找到9个或以上的彩蛋来赢得比赛,否则冠军就...
Stardew Valley How to Win Egg Hunt Gameplay / By Ella Walsh In the delightful and charming world of Stardew Valley, every day is an adventure. Farming on its own is so fun and satisfying, you get to tend to your crops and watch them grow, and the environment is beautiful too! Not ...
Straw HatLight and cool, it's a farmer's delight.Win the egg hunt at theEgg Festival. Sailor's CapIt's fresh and starchy.Win the fishing competition at theFestival of Ice. Elegant TurbanA fine black silk turban with gold trim.Earn all otherAchievements. ...
Stardew Valley Fair Fall Festival of Ice (Ice Fishing Contest) Winter 25 Festival Game 00:52 Egg Festival (Egg Hunt) Festival Spring Stardew Valley Fair (Slingshot Minigame) Fall 26 Spirit's Eve Festival 02:05 Spirit's Eve Festival Fall Movie Theater (Mysterium) Any 27 Winter (Noc...
Fixed many things on Ginger Island applying the valley’s season or weather (including fiber seeds, seasonal decor, seasonal plants, tea bushes, and tubs o’ flowers). Fixed Elliott appearing twice during the egg hunt. Fixed Lewis’ saloon drinking animation having an incorrect frame. Fixed bomb...
But not everything is great out on the range. MyStardew Valleycharacter, like me, isn’t great at making friends, and she’s terrible at giving gifts. She once accidentally gave Robin a piece of soggy newspaper she happened to have in her hands. She didn’t win the egg hunt. She did...
Hi, friends! I'm hoping someone might be able to clear up my confusion so I know what I'm doing wrong. Lewis says my score is 108, but I'm coming up...
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