This category contains subcategories and pages related to fish found in the Winter. To add an article, image, or category to this category, append [[Category:Winter fish]] to the end of the page.
Ocean 6am – 7pm Spring Fall Winter Any 1–13 30 dart 13 Ocean Fish Bundle Dish O' The Sea Bream A fairly common river fish that becomes active at night. 45g 56g 67g 90g 56g 70g 83g 112g 67g 84g 100g 135g River (Town+Forest) 6pm – 2am All Seasons Any 12–31 35...
↑ 气泡对钓鱼咬钩时间的影响由函数FishingRod::DoFunction处理,尤其是在if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)中。气泡对于鱼类型的影响也出现在函数FishingRod::doFunction中对location.getFish的调用,其中参数waterDepth为clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0). ↑ 气泡,或者叫做'fishSplashPoint'参数在...
Summer fish Winter fish Ocean fish星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原作者的辛勤劳动。 1.8K 条目 59K 编辑 13.7K 关注 灰机人机协议...
Fish Summer fish Winter fish Lake fish星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原作者的辛勤劳动。 1.8K 条目 59K 编辑 13.7K 关注 灰机人机...
Stardew Valley Wiki is the #1 resource for the country-life RPG Stardew Valley, covering gameplay, villagers, quests, fishing and more.
Winter is the fourth season players are allowed to play through. The grounds will be completely white. There will be no grass on your farm and your trees will lose their leaves. It is followed by Spring of the following year and preceded by Fall. The fol
Fish Info WIKI功能跳到导航 跳到搜索 Fish Info 信息 使用例: {{Fish Info | title1=Example | image1=Example | caption-image1=Example | information=Example | location=Example | time=Example | season=Example | weather=Example | difficulty=Example | behaviour=Example | fishing_level=Example |...
这个模组重新绘制了月光水母节的水母贴图,内含两个图形版本,文件为xnb模式,请将需要的版本贴图放入Stardew Valley\Content\Maps路径中替换,
{Description|Wild Horseradish}} |[[采集]] - [[春季]] |- |[[File:Winter Root.png|center]] |[[冬根]] |{{Description|Winter Root}} |[[采集]] - [[冬季]] |} ===讨厌=== {{Quote|……*吸气*……我想我可以把它扔到鱼饵桶里。}} {|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width: ...