WIKI功能 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 浏览属性 青蛙 Frog 黏黏滑滑的。 信息 位置深山湖泊 时间下午 6:00 至凌晨 2:00 季节春季•夏季 天气雨天 难度70 运动模式下坠型 钓鱼技能等级要求5 长度(厘米)5~15 钓鱼经验值26 29 32 38 能量/生命值 ...
The Mummified Frog is an item that can be obtained by cutting jungle weeds in the Ginger Island jungle or in floors 40 – 69 of the Dangerous Mines. Jungle weeds normally have a 1% chance to drop a Mummified Frog, except for the first Mummified Frog foun
青蛙木乃伊Mummified Frog 这只古老的青蛙可能生活在丛林的树冠里。 信息 来源 姜岛东部 售价 100g这篇文章需要改进。你可以帮助StardewValley星露谷维基来 编辑它。青蛙木乃伊(Mummified Frog)在游戏星露谷物语中是一种古物,玩家在姜岛东部丛林中破坏杂草后有概率获得。
Frog Egg 重定向页面 ThePem于10个月前修改了此页面。 重定向到: 青蛙蛋
There are a few Easter eggs that are recurring or interlinked in Stardew Valley. HatsHats can be placed on... Children (of toddler age), horses, cats, and dogs. They can be removed by holding another hat and clicking on them again; that will pop off the old hat, but won't place ...
FrogsWhen cutting weeds, there is a chance of seeing a green frog appear and run away. A frog appears as part of Sebastian's 14-heart event. If the player equips a Frog Egg trinket, they will gain a frog companion, which can come in a wide variety of colors. ...
<天气>_<白天或晚上>_<随机><weather>_<dayOrNight>_<random> 婚后日常对话。<weather>可以填充Rainy或者Indoor,前者是下雨天的情况,后者是除雨天以外的天气。(虽然不知道为什么指令是Indoor“室内”,但指令就是这样……) <dayOrNight>可以填充Night或者Day,前者是游戏时间为下午6点以后会触发的对话,后者为下午6...
Frog Egg “ “Umm... I know I'm pretty big on eggs... But this isn't what I meant... Oh well... Down the hatch! *gulp*” Image Name Description Source All Universal Neutrals (except Books) All Fruit (except Fruit Tree Fruit & Salmonberry) All Milk Chanterelle A tasty mushr...
SiSiTheGreat on Discord Morris Redeemed, Adventurer Abigail, Sebastian's Frog Sanctuary Nexus GitHub u/SiTheGreat content siameceribcages on Discord Vanilla Facelift, Farm Animal Facelift, Pet Facelift Nexus pixels siliconsomesillypenguin on Discord Growing Valley - Child NPCs, NPC Tokens for...
青蛙蛋(Frog Egg)是一个饰品,放置于饰品栏位以获得效果 效果 召唤一只跟随你的饥饿青蛙,每12秒吃掉1个敌人,吃掉怪物之后会变大。被青蛙吃掉的敌人不会掉落战利品,也没有经验。(在法师任务五彩凝胶和灵外质期间谨慎使用) 装备后要等待一段时间才能吃敌人,所以不能通过切换的方式刷新CD 青蛙有多种颜色,包括绿...