If the player chooses the Meadowlands Farm Map, there will be a coop built on their farm to start. Features The coop can house chickens, ducks, rabbits, and dinosaurs. Once you have unlocked an animal by building the coop needed to house it, that animal can be placed in any other non...
StardewValley.Locations.Cellar; StardewValley.Locations.DecoratableLocation; StardewValley.Locations.FarmCave; StardewValley.Locations.FarmHouse; StardewValley.Shed; StardewValley.SlimeHutch. 默认为通用的StardewValley.GameLocation类。 NonInstancedIndoorLocation(可选)希望给此建筑内部分配的,现有的全局地点名称。例...
|[[Coop|Deluxe Coop]] + |{{Description|Deluxe Coop}} + |[[Rabbit]]s + |data-sort-value="20000"|{{price|20000}}{{name|Wood|500}}{{name|Stone|200}} + |data-sort-value="18" style="text-align: center;"|'''6x3'''[[File:Marker3x6.png|center]] + |- + |[[File:Mill.png...
它会默认当前地点为Coop(鸡舍),似乎只能用于孵化的动物。 animate <actor> <flip> <loop> <frames...> 为指定演员制作动画,使用其贴图集中的一个或多个<frames>(帧),每帧持续<帧时长>毫秒。<frames>按如下规则编号:将贴图集切成16x32的小方块,然后从左到右、从上到下、从0开始编号。<flip>表示是否沿...
Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Using a hoe or watering can does not grant experience by itself. Reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars also gives Farming experience. Each level ...
This event is guaranteed to be chosen if no other event was, but has a 50% chance of doing nothing. The event randomly chooses onebarnorcoopwhose door is closed with some animals outdoors (each with a chance equal to1 / number of buildings,e.g.,100% for one building and 50% for tw...
文本替换 - 替换“class="wikitable" id="roundedborder"”为“class="wikitable roundedborder"” 小 18:17 -5 2021年10月26日 (星期二) Margotbean 文本替换 - 替换“”为“” 小 01:02 +2 2021年10月25日 (星期一) Margotbean 文本替换 - 替换...
Stardew Valley was released on 26 February 2016 for Windows PC after almost four years of closed development. Linux and macOS compatibility was released in a free update on 29 July 2016.
Stardew Valley is an open-ended game, allowing the player to achieve goals non-linearly. There are various ways to earn income and many activities to choose from including farming, fishing, foraging, mining, combat (fighting enemies), crafting, cooking, gift giving, completing quests, donating ...
In Stardew Valley 1.6.9:The game now always finds map tilesheets by ID, which eliminates bugs due to mods reordering tilesheets. However, it'll still try to get it by index first in some cases (since that's faster), so you should still avoid changing the tilesheet order to avoid the ...