While selecting a coop for a Chicken purchased from Marnie's Ranch, a message is shown stating "Choose a Coop for your new White/Brown/Blue Chicken". Cancelling the purchase returns the player to the purchase window, where they can try again for the desired color. ...
鸡是一种动物,需要饲养在农场上的鸡舍里。 在尚未达到已建造的鸡舍容量上限前,可以在玛妮的牧场花 800购买一只鸡,或使用孵化器将蛋孵化成小鸡。孵化需要 9000分钟(5天16小时40分钟),如果玩家选择了“鸡舍大师”职业,则只需要 4500分钟(2天21小时40分钟)。 一旦购买或孵化,鸡必须被分配至一个鸡舍并进行命名。如...
当前之前2021年10月27日 (三) 18:24Margotbean讨论贡献小5,025字节-5文本替换 - 替换“class="wikitable" id="roundedborder"”为“class="wikitable roundedborder"” 当前之前2021年10月26日 (二) 01:01Margotbean讨论贡献小5,030字节-1文本替换 - 替换“{| class”为“{|class...
Void Chickens may be sold the same way as normalchickens. The more hearts the animal has, the higher its sell price. A new-born chick sells for252g, and a maximum-heart Void Chicken for1,040g, the same as for normal chickens.
物品编号 (O)FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP_Grampleton_Orange_Chicken “金黄酥脆的鸡肉,搭配新鲜的米饭。” 格兰普顿香橙鸡 是一道菜肴。在经历了索菲娅的6 心事件后,才能够在星之果实餐吧买到。 它不能被制作,因为在 SVE 中没有鸡肉这一种烹饪原料。 送礼 收到格兰普顿香橙鸡后 最爱+80 斯嘉丽...
This page is part of IGN's Stardew Valley Wiki guide and details everything you need to know about feeding Chickens, including how to get Chickens, what do Chickens eat, as well as how to feed your Chickens hay and grass. How To Get Chickens ...
进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
Changelogs Donations Do you love Chicken Statues? Sure, we all do! Well, now your chickens will love them too. Inspired by this ezlilly video. Put the museum reward inside the coop, or put a table inside the coop and put an artifact on top of it. Source codeVORTEX...
Its compact size of 20cm makes it an ideal companion for travel or as a decorative piece in a child's room. The plush chicken's design is inspired by the beloved TV & Movie Character, making it a perfect gift for fans of the Stardew Valley game. **Versatile and Cozy** This plush ...
Undo revision 178655 by 4x4Chicken (talk) Remove runon sentence trivia that doesn't belong on the page 02:09 -275 4x4Chicken →Trivia 00:47 +275 18 September 2024 Margotbean Text replacement - "" to ""m 17:40 +22 13 September 2024 Kiwifluff →Quotes 18:28 +172 9 September...