Iron在矿洞40层后出,出来后5个原材料+1个煤炭放在那个黑色的炼钢炉里面即可。以上就是Iron bar获取方法,以供参考。
有个长的像避雷针的东西,雷雨天后会出电池。 避雷针,是foraging 6级解锁出来的道具。 周末周五出现在湖泊那的奸商也有几率卖电池。
Iron bar就是铁锭 铁锭不是自然产生的物品 需要冶炼 有熔炉、铁矿和煤炭的情况下 将5个铁矿放进熔炉 等待时间到 就会收到一个铁锭
While Stardew Valley might be one of the most wholesome games on the market right now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when you start playing this game. There is a mining mechanic and the creatures that lurk in the deep caverns aren’t friendly at all. They will try to kill you a...
Stardew Valley Rose A rose that reminds you of the valley. It smells heavenly. The Pirate's Wife Advanced TV Remote It has more buttons than a regular remote. Perfect for the avid TV watcher! The Pirate's Wife Arctic Shard This shard glows with an otherworldly blue light. The Pir...
The brown spots are generated in StardewValley.Locations.MineShaft::loadLevel, where it will randomly place brown spots so that 1% of the total map area are brown spots. Technically it is possible for these to be the same square, or for these to be outside the map and have no effect. ...
语法: getstat <S:statID> 向SMAPI控制台输出指定状态的数值。某些状态的数值也能通过赌场的进度跟踪器获悉。 状态ID大小写敏感(技术提示:它们是StardewValley.Starts类的属性,但并不是所有属性都会被游戏跟踪)。1.4.3版本已知的ID包括:AverageBedtime, BarsSmelted, BeveragesMade, BouldersCracked, CaveCarrotsFound...
Weapons are used to deal damage and fight monsters. Weapons are quite unlike other tools, as firstly they do not cost energy to use, and secondly they are not upgraded at the Blacksmith. Instead, most weapons can be found as monster drops, purchased from
Each has their own quirks and personality that make them lovable, but it’s up to you to decide who’ll get to move into the farmhouse. Here is everything you need to know about romance in Stardew Valley. Contents All Universally Liked and Loved Gifts ...
Where to Get Hardwood in Stardew Valley Hardwood is usually a resource that can only be farmed once players are able to upgrade their axes to either Copper or Silver. Not only can this help players to be able to break stronger obstacles such as Trunks and Stumps on the farm, but this ca...